
WWYD? Testing and the RE

OK, so I will be 8 dpo tomorrow and I have my first appt with the RE.  Would you test?  I think it is way to early, but...

FWIW, my temps are still nice at high at 7 dpo...

Re: WWYD? Testing and the RE

  • IMO, too early, but I know people who have gotten BFPs @ 8dpo. ??

    My first visit to the RE was just a consult anyway, to discuss a course of action. ?He did an u/s, but he could do that anyway, even if you are pregnant. ?

    I don't think you need to test before going?

  • I would test just to test but I wouldn't put much stock in a BFN. 
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  • IMO, its a waste of a test.  I hated wasting tests so I would wait.
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