
Anyone have a twin amnio?

I wrote last week about soft markers on one of my twins. I am almost 18 weeks and very nervous.  I have a genetic counseling meeting beforehand and then the amnio(s).

Anyone with any experience? I had IVF so they are not identical. They do not share the same sac. Thank you in advance.

Re: Anyone have a twin amnio?

  • did you do IVF with ICSI? becuase if you did you have a higher chance of them actually being ID... though- if you know you put in multiple embies chances are they are fraternal.

    I did not do the amnio. It was recommended b/c of my age - but for us we did not want to risk it.  Even though the risk was smal - to us it didn't matter. My OB said it's twice the risk with twins- since it's twice the babies... but same risk for each baby.

      It's a personal decision- and hard to make.  There are quite a few women on the Pg at 35+ board who have done amnio (singletons) if you wanted to ask about it there- they are great with advice.

    Most feel that if you would not terminate - and you are NOT a "need to know" type of person- then skipping it is a good choice... but if you would consider terminating OR you are the type that simply needs to know or will go crazy - to get it done.

    good luck with your choice!

  • We didn't do ICSI. Both my husband and I are need to know people so we will go forward. I also posted on the over 35 board. Thanks!

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  • I had an amnio done on my twins.

    My boys are identical, but they still did an amnio for each boy.

    I have a prior daughter and if given the chance I would do it again - but I have to tell you the truth.  I was scared to death and it hurt like heck.

    I am overweight - I will start with that.  I didn't feel the needle at all until it went through my uterus and it hurt and it continued to hurt until they removed the needle.  They also put a blue dye in the fluid so that when they do the 2nd one they know if they have the correct baby or not, so the first one took longer.

    The doctor also continued to talk to the U/S tech the whole time, at first it drove me nuts, but then I listened to what he was saying and it actually calmed me down.

    The second needle hurt just as much as the first and I remeber saying to my husband - when they pulled the first needle out - I can't believe I have to do this again.

    It took about 20-30 minutes total.  I never looked.  I covered my face with a pillow and held onto my rosary beads.

    Afterwords, they showed us both babies on the U/S.  I was stiff and sore for 2 days.

    We made sure his parents came down to help out for 3 days so I didn't have to do to much.  I came home from the procedure and went right up to my bed, where I stayed for a full 24 hours.

    I had none of the discharge that they told me I would have or any blood.

    I did pee green for a couple of days from the dye.  I also was thankful to have an OB appointment 3 days later where I got to see the babies again.

    Also as a side note my OB doctor told me on the visit that the thing with amnio's are if you have one and say have a car accident 3 weeks after your procedure and lose the baby because of the accident,  they roll that into the statics of lost for the doctor/hospital. 

    So our hospital number was 1 in 400 for lost on a singleton which made it 1 in 200 for twins.

    I was also told by the hospital that you could possibly lose the baby up to 2 weeks and my OB office said a week.  I didn't know who to believe, but I didn't even worry about that since I was worrying about the results.

    Request a FSH (FISH test) this can give you a primarily results on Downs an Tri-18.  Then the full test comes through approx. 2 weeks later.

    We kept asking about the fsh test, was told we were getting it and then found out they never requested it.

    It was the longest 2 weeks of our lifes.

    Anyway I am sorry this is so long - I didn't know anyone did an amnio and had no one to go to.

    If you have more questions you can email me

    Good Luck

  • we had the option of having an amnio when we found out one of our girls has a chance of having a problem. we decided not to because we want her no matter what and there is nothing the amnio would do to benefit her would only let us know either way -usually for people to choose to abort with this situation. our doctor said that there is a 1 in 100 chance of miscarriage with twins versus a 1 in 400 something with singletons. so, that statistic made up our minds. (and ours share separate sacs and placentas)

    i dont know anything about soft markers, so i dont know if you can do anything about what this may entail. if there is something you can do for the baby, then i would consider it. that is my personal opinion. i was totally scared of an amnio as well -before we knew of the possible problem. i hope i dont offend you on my strong opinion concerning my own babies. i wish you luck with everything.  

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