
For mom's with a non-multiple pregnancy as well

Did you feel things were more exagerrated when you were pregnant with the twins, ex. more tired, hungrier, more bloated, worse morning sickness, might just be my mind playing tricks, but I feel all of these things even more so!

Re: For mom's with a non-multiple pregnancy as well

  • of course, i don't have another pregnancy to compare this to, but my doctors said there are more hormones which produces more extreme side effects. from what i have been reading, its a completely different thing to be pregnant with multiples. i have heard raves about dr. lukes book, but i never got around to reading it (and wish i read it from the start).
  • #6#6 member

    My dr told me I may exp. this but I never did.  My singleton pg (1st) and my twin pg were identical.  I never felt different with the girls than I did with L other than at the very end.  Of course twice the baby = twice the pressure. 


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  • For me, no.  But I was lucky I think.  I didn't really have any symptoms EITHER pregnancy.  Bloating was the same as was my tiredness.  Of course towards the end since I was carrying 13 pounds of baby compared to 5 1/2, that was rougher.  lol.
  • I'm not a big believer in  just because it's twins your hormones levels are higher therefor you'll have worse symptoms. I guess  because for me that hasn't been the case. With my twins I had no m/s at all and the same with this pg. Sometimes I think I'm more tired this time,pg with a singleton,but I think that is because I'm getting less sleep and have to run after 2 toddlers. It's hard to be pg and have to take care of other children so I tend to think that's a huge factor. When I was pg with the twins I could sleep anytime I wanted.

  • I haven't had another yet but a pp mentioned Dr. Luke's book and I do want to recommend that you read that! It's called When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets or Quads and really gives you a good idea of what to expect and proven guidelines for lowering your risks of complications and increasing your odds for good outcomes with your twins (longer gestation, higher birthweights, etc.)
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I definitely had more intense morning sickness and it lasted a week or two longer than it did with my singleton. I've also been more tired in the 3rd tri than I was last time but I don't remember being more tired in the 1st. GL!
  • yup. I was more sick, more tired, grew a lot faster, etc.  Some of that (being tired) could be attributed to chasing around a 2 y/o, too :)

    i actually gained less weight total with this pg - the twins just eat up all my food!  I'm the exact same weight I was at 36w with DS as I am right now.... but DS was 7lb 4oz at 36w- and i was a lot fatter all over.  This time i didn't gain as much all over- mostly belly.

    i have had more heartburn... worse migraines early on... more itchy....more nose bleeds this time, etc.

  •  I actually feel worse with this pgcy (singleton) than I did with my twins.  I am constantly nauseaus and don't want to eat 1/2 the time.  I have also had more m/s this time (I didn't have any with the twins).  I am also MUCH more tired this time around (though, like others it could  be due to having 2 toddlers already). I guess I am just the acception to the rule!
  • Yes.

    Except for the m/s, I had much worse symptoms with the twin pregnancy. Like others, I am sure a lot of my exhaustion was due to being a SAHM to a 2 yr old. But my hunger, indigestion, stretching, backaches, palpatations were all worse and occurred earlier on in the twin pregnancy than it did with my singleton.

  • I was sick with both my DD and the twins.

    Both started around 7 weeks.  With my DD I threw up once in the morning and then I was done for the day.

    With the twins I threw up once in the morning and then several more times through out the day.  Sometimes right after lunch, sometimes right after dinner, sometimes before i went to bed. 

    I find it ironic that I threw up in the morning before both of their deliveries. 

    I love chicken - hated it with both pregnancies.  I love sweets - cookies, cakes you name.  I could eat some when I was pregnant with my daughter - with the twins I couldn't even be around the smell.

    I didn't eat a ton with my daughter, and had no desire with the twins.  I actually forced myself to eat because I had to.

    As a side note - I took a pregnancy test a full 5 days before AF was due with my DD - the line came up as soon as I took it out of the urine.

    With the boys I actually waited until the day my period was due to test and the test showed nothing.  I tried again the next day and nothing.  I threw the tests away and looked at both of them the next morning - I saw the faintest line but didn't consider it accurate since it was over 10 minutes.

    I took a test Monday morning, the faintest of lines.  I took another test on Tuesday - and finally got a line that I felt was a positive within the 10 minute window.  To me that was strange, because when I found out they were twins I would have thought it would have come up quicker.

  • My morning sickness and exhaustion were a lot worse this time around.
    Kimberly, DH Monte, Angel baby 10/06, Angel twin 7/07, Rhett Kaden, our IVF miracle, born 3/23/08, Mason Robert & Wyatt David, our FET miracles, born 8/2/09 at 36 weeks, 3 days
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