Ever, ever, ever again.
So, we took the kids to see Up today. I wanted to see the 12:20pm showing but my mom really wanted to go and she had an important thing to do at church and couldnt miss. So, we went to the 2:00pm showing. Usually the kids are ok out of the house if we miss nap time so I didnt think any thing of it. I should have known though. They have never been to the theater before to see a movie. This is how it played out.
Ok, so because my gma lives with my mom my mother felt like she should offer the chance to go with her to my gma. Of course my gma says yes. So, we pile into my van and head out. (late of course because my gma is late to everytihng and makes anyone with her late as well. I guess its part of being old/slow) Anyways, we get there get tickets sit down and wait for my mom to get snacks. The kids act like they are going to sit in their seats ok unti the pop corn and soda show up. (soda only allowed during special treats like movies) Then they ask to go potty one at a time. Yeah, I should have just taken them all at one time but they said they didnt have to go unti I got back with the other one.
Then the movie starts and they seem ok. My sister shows up later than usual and L wants to sit with her. They get situated and then the girls get restless. My mom and I each hold one and all is ok for about 30mins. Then we run out of pop corn and I have to get more. $18 later I return with more, one bag for each child. (they were fighting over the one big tub) Peace returns and the movie is really funny, kids are laughing etc. I had to be at work at 4pm and knew I would have to leave a few mins early. (I work 10mins from the theater)
As I get up to leave Landon FREAKS out. He never freaks out when I leave for work. So, i took him out to explain that he was going home with Mama and Honey (my sisters nickname he gave her) He has never had a problem with that. He would not/could not calm down even a free candy offer from the movie attendant wouldnt help. So, I caved and just went back in and finished the movie. It ened right at 4pm. L calmed down and we all enjoyed the rest of the movie. As we were leaving L started screaming for candy. The lack of nap was hitting him hard. Oh, I forgot to mention that Kennedy fell asleep with my sister a little more than half way through. So I drug L to the van as my sister carried sleeping Kennedy and held Kaydances hand.
So, the kids were out by the time they left the parking lot and I got to work about 10mins late.
Never. ever. will that happen again. Either before or after nap time.
Re: Lesson learned. Do.Not.Go.To.Movie.During.Nap.Time!!!
These type of events happen rarely. But man when they do they really happen. It wasnt too bad though. I will take all 3 to the movies again just not during nap time and I wont try to leave next time.
Having 3 is a blast. I take all 3 out with me alone al the time. Ive learned that some things can be done without nap (mall, park, running simple errands) and somethings like, movie, walmart, and dinner/lunch out cannot.
Seriously, start going out on your own asap. I started when the girls were 4wks. You get used to it and learn what does and doesnt work. You get into a routine. Like for instance when I go to the mall I always park at this one entrance because it is right next to the food court and the only nice bathroom. We eat and potty as soon as we get there. Plus there are those quarter machine rides right past the food court that we ride if the kids ate good. We ride on the way out if they were good during shopping. You learn that its better to get the stroller out, younger kid/s out then the older one, how to manage all the stuff 3 kids require etc.
Its really not that bad. I would say that in the past 3 yrs of taking them out alone that I have only had about 4 episodes where I would like to just pull my hair out and run away (child free) as fast as I can.