
Would you call the dr. if you were

35w pg and feeling sort of crampy, but mainly just "off?" I went to L&D over a week ago w/contractions that ended up in a shot or terbutaline (?) and a dx of a UTI. I'm feeling the same way again tonight, but am home alone w/dd. I'd have to call my inlaws, and drop her off, just to be told it's most likely nothing. I hate feeling like I'm wasting everyones time..and I just don't trust my instincts. I can't even say if I think it's "something" or not. I never went into labor w/dd so I have nothing to compare it too.....

Any advice? TIA

Re: Would you call the dr. if you were

  • I would call and see what the Dr. says.  If you need to go into l&d, I'm sure no one will mind you "wasting" their time.  Better to be safe!
  • It is always better to call.  You need to trust your instincts.
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
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