
Kev's -your post -

I didn't read all the replies but seriously don't feel bad for the guy?  Regardless of what you believe he was murdered IN church in front of his family for doing something (whether you like it or not) that is LEGAL.  I hate smoking, but I can't just go blast the next smoker that I see.  Do you get that?  Late term abortions are difficult to think about but I'm SURE I don't know all the circumstances involved in getting one.  I'm guessing it's not for "birth control" though.

Re: Kev's -your post -

  • You know in a way I guess I do feel bad for him.  I do feel awful for his family esp the ones that were there and the church goers that saw it.  He didn't deserve to die esp the way he did.  He will  have many people that will miss him and that is always a sad thing.  I hope he didnt suffer.  I never said I was glad he died or I was glad it happened.
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