
Formula goes bad???

My DH cannot remember to refridgerate the bottle of Similac after the 10 pm feeding. I found it (again) on the counter this morning at 7 am.  How long can the bottle of formula sit out before going bad?? Anyone know??

Re: Formula goes bad???

  • 2 hours. If a baby has started drinking out of it (so the bacteria from their mouth has interacted with it), 1 hour. Sorry. :( Or are you talking about a bottle of ready to feed formula? If so, I'm not sure about that, but it should say on the bottle. (I'd guess it's about the same once it's been opened though.)
    But yeah, it goes bad if left out just like milk does.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • Technically you are supposed to use formula within 2 hours of mixing it and sooner if your child has eaten from it. 

    If they have eaten from it bacteria begins to grow.

    I will admit we do go over the 2 hour limit at times but not by much.


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  • If you mix it and refrigerate it right away it's good for up to 24 hours.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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