My boys recently have started this new thing... screaming their faces off when i put them to bed. Even if one is going to go to sleep the other one will cry really loud and wake him up. This goes back and fourth over and over again. Do any of your babies do this? What do you do for it? They have always been good sleepers, but now they do this. They are fine if your in there patting their backs, but how many times can i go in there. It breaks my heart because they seem so scared or sad:(
Re: babies crying when you put them to bed
At night, my boys will go down quietly but for naps, they always cry and it's really just b/c they don't like to be left.
How long do you let them cry? There's the whole CIO debate but it's harder when you have 2 sharing the same room.
Do they have loveys? Both my boys seem to transition better when they had something to help them soothe.
hope things get better for you.
How funny is it that every post of yours I can always relate EXACTLY too!!! LOL
My girls have always been terrific nappers...and all of a sudden have started doing this too. I have a method that works pretty well now.....
They are still swaddled (and will be for a while...nowhere near being able to not be unfortunately) I swaddle the crankiest one first...take her in to their room and put her in the crib...I sit there with her with my hand on her chest while she screams (usually only lasts for a couple mins)....then once she is settled I do the same for her sister.
MOST of the time this works...I have found that it is gradually getting better. It is so frusterating think you have things all figured out....then everything goes out the window. Uuuugh!
good luck!