
AW: DD pooped on the toilet all by herself!!

She did this yesterday and today all by herself!  I was upstairs getting ready and I heard some noise in the bathroom and I called down asked her what she was doing and she yelled back "I'm poopin!".  Sure enough she did!  So we are now in the process of potty training.  I thought it would take forever since she could care less if she sat in a dirty diaper.  I guess she finally got sick of it.  I am taking the relaxed approach.  The ball's in her court.  I have her in undies cause she refuses to wear diapers now and just tell her to use the bathroom when she needs to and we just wear pull-ups when we go out.  So far only 2 pee accidents.  Fingers crossed it continues to go easy for us!  There is hope out there for some of you with stubborn children like mine! 
Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD
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