
Chicco KeyFit with Blue DSNG?

We bought a used Blue DSNG and it seems this is the older version. We are trying to figure out how to get our Chicco Keyfit 30 carseats onto it and wondering if we need the newer black one. Has anyone been able to use the blue DSNG with the Chicco Keyfits?


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Re: Chicco KeyFit with Blue DSNG?

  • We have the new (black) DSNG and the Chicco Keyfit 30 seats.  They officially don't work together, but after my google search, we took off all the removeable bars.  The seats rest on the frame that's left and then I wrap the strap over them.  It's not perfect, but I feel safe using it for the boys and I definately love having this light weight easily portable stroller.  Can you do something like this with the old version?

    Not sure if my sig/ticker is working, but I have 10 week old B/B twins born at 34 weeks.

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