
She'll be calling me from college asking me to change her diaper...

Swear to God this girl is NEVER going to potty train.  She'll sit on the potty chair/toilet, but she won't/can't go.  ONE day, "the potty comed out" in the morning and she went a few times at daycare that same day and a couple times the following day.  But she regressed back to nothing happening while sitting on the potty chair.

I put her in underwear last weekend and after a half hour she said, "I don't want to wear underwear, I want a diaper on."  So I put a diaper back on.

And tonight after her bath she had an accident in her room on the carpet.  She gets pretty devastated about it so I know she isn't being lazy.  She just doesn't get it.

Because she can't "make her potty come out" on the potty, she doesn't necessarily go before bed...she leaked out of a size 6 overnight no less than three times this week.

I don't want to make this traumatic because I feel like it would be counterproductive.  But we're seriously SO frustrated at the lack of ANY progress.  Bribes?  Yeah, don't make the potty come out either.

(her pedi was pretty laid back about it all at her 3 year appointment)


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Re: She'll be calling me from college asking me to change her diaper...

  • well there's always that woman in Chicago who potty trains kids in one day. she was on the Today show last summer I think it was when I saw it. I think she has like a 98% success rate or something like that.

    good luck! we just started today using the 3 day method. have you heard of that?

    ps. i'm partially kidding about the Chicago woman, but partially not. if i was really desperate and nothing was working i really think i would consider using her. i think her prices were somewhat reasonable too.

    hang in there!

  • The thing about late potty trainers is they catch on so fast when they're ready.? :)
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  • Lucas just was PT'd last weekend, so I feel your pain.  Turns out he just doens't have to pee all that often, so by putting him on the potty every 30min we were just frustrating him.  My MIL put him on just once an hour and he did okay and now at DCPs he goes once every 1.5-2hrs.  He just doesn't pee all that often and when he does he pees a lot.

    Lucas also treated underwear like diapers before and would just pee in them, so we spent a lot of time naked.  Maybe that would help your DD, too?

  • imageDandelionMom:
    The thing about late potty trainers is they catch on so fast when they're ready.  :)

    This is what keeps me going!  EVERYTHING this girl has done in her life has been overnight...late, but overnight.  She didn't walk until nearly 18 months, but on a Sunday she was a crawler and Monday--the next day--she was a walker.

    When you have baby diapers to change, changing a "giant" three year old's diapers is just weird.

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • imageDandelionMom:
    The thing about late potty trainers is they catch on so fast when they're ready.  :)


    We didn't even bring the potty out until 3.5 and didn't seriously start until a month or 2 after that. He trained in a few days. Don't stress.

  • She is barely over 3, I know it's frustrating but I promise she will get there without you hiring someone to bootcamp your child to use the toilet!  If it counts for anything I did not pottty train until a week after turning 4, the week I started nursery school...and now I only use a diaper when I drink too much alcohol, j/k!!!  I PTd late and now have a great bladder and could always hold it in for a long time.  Good luck and try not to get too frustrated.
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
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