
Potty Training Just Suck :(

It's been so hard, Part of me just want to put a diaper on him and be done with it, but I know that would not do any good. It's not too bad, he's had 3 pee accident, and 2 poop accident. I just have to watch him every second and watch for signs that he has to go, which is really had to do when I'm taking care of DD, my poor baby I've been neglecting her all day today ;(. DH is off tomorrow thank god.


Sorry just venting.?

Re: Potty Training Just Suck :(

  • We have been at it for a month and this week DD has regressed...3 accident yesterday and 2 today!  It is very frustrating!
  • I hear ya! It's not easy.  DS is awesome at school, and then seems to not have any idea when he is at home.  I do so much laundry....
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  • I'm trying to not even think about it.  DS hasn't shown any signs that he's ready.  He likes to sit on the potty but he will. not. go.
    Liam is 5!
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  • I know you're doing the 3 day method. . . Day 1 seriously sucks.  We had ZERO success on day 1.  I felt like I was chained to her and cleaning up all the time.

    Day 2 got MUCH better (not at first, she had a few accidents to start), but that was pretty much the end of it.

    She had poop accidents for a little longer, but it was much more manageable than all the wet spots.

    Hang in there!!

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • The first day is the worst! Keep it up - it'll get better
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • tammy79tammy79 member

    Thanks ladies, I really appreciate the words of encouragement.?

    Hikerbeth, It's ?good to hear that 2nd day will be so much better. I'm looking forward to Sunday already ;(.?

  • TOTALLY understand but you're doing the right thing by not putting a diaper back on ds used to do a "look" right before he went & I'd have to literally run him to the bathroom.  We did stickers and gummy bears every time he went into the toilet.  He finally made the connection and it only took 3 VERY long days... GL!
  • EXACTLY it works!!!
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