
Breastfeeding Moms

So DD nurses for only 15 mintues every 3 hrs.  Does this seem normal?  Her weight gain has been really good, she's 25th percentile at 2 months and wasn't even on the charts at birth.  However DS ate so much more than her I can't help but be a little concerned.  He ate for 30 minutes every 2 hrs, hardly ever went a minute more, up until he was weaned at 1 year.  I guess I shouldn't be to worried since he weight is good, just curious what others experience.  Also, she doesn't seem to be much of a comfort nurser, which could be part of the reason she nurses so quickly.  Thanks.
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Re: Breastfeeding Moms

  • thats how both of my girls where... super fast it sounds normal to me..
  • TB, my second child also nursed for much shorter sessions than his older sister. ?I think you're better at it, and your boobs are more efficient. ?I had ZERO problems with nursing my 2nd time around (I think a lot of it had to do with my being less stressed about it too). ?As long as he's having normal pees and poops and gaining weight, I wouldn't worry about it.
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  • YodajoYodajo member
    Yep, sounds normal.  My first was a marathon nurser, #2 has always been quick like your DD.  Her growth sounds wonderful, so I would try not to worry.  I am just learning now to not compare my two kids when it comes to things like that. Its hard, but you'll go crazy if you keep comparing them!
    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • That's about 10 minutes longer than Ben nurses!  He's super fast.  And he's gaining a pound a week, so I know he's getting enough.  If she's having normal pees/poos and gaining weight, I wouldn't stress about it.
  • With DD 10 minutes was a long nursing session.  She was just super efficient.  Even when she went longer stretches between feedings she didn't nurse for longer periods.  I wouldn't worry about it!
  • Totally normal.  DD2 would nurse for about 7 minutes, on one side only.  She gained weight fast!  I wouldn't worry.
  • 4-6min if that, 1 side is my DDs norm and she is 90+ percentiles for weight height.

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