
Ok, last one I promise!!

Please recommend your favorite baby carrier/sling/wrap or whatever you want to call them. I would like one that is easy for myself and baby to get into and out of by myself. All the ones I had with Hayden I needed help to use. Also, it's very HOT here and I want one that will be comfy for both of us!

And, what about a nursing blanket? I'm very shy when it comes to nursing and would like lots of coverage for when I get used to doing it in front of people. Any recs would be great!

Thanks ladies!

Re: Ok, last one I promise!!

  • I'd have to recommend the Peanut Shell. I have a fleece one and it's pretty thin so I'm sure the cotton ones would be perfect for you. VERY easy to use.

    I also love my ERGO but the material is kind of thick on that and maneuvering to the back carry can be tricky.

    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • I've bought nearly every sling out there and the only one either of my kids liked was a B'journ (similar to this) type carrier.  I just bought a Moby b/c I know people swear by them, but I could not figure out how to get Maren in there and let her still breath. 

    Target and BRU have all kinds of nursing wraps.  I got a Peanutshell wrap, but never used it since i nursed for such a short time. GL!

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  • Are you small? ?I'm 5'2 and small-framed, and I've always found the slings to be tight and hot with both my kids. ?ML enjoyed it after she could sit up, but eventually, the corner would work itself against my neck which is super-uncomf.

    When I had TB, I found the bjorn to be indispensable. ?It allowed me to take both kids everywhere, and grocery shop with him, too. ?It was hot, but I don't think he minded. ?I rarely used it outside, just when we went to a/c'd places like the library/groc store. ?

  • (also on etsy under same name)

    LOVE her wraps - pretty, super-soft organic cotton (free upgrade right now) and sooo comfortable to wear with a newborn infant.  Much like a Moby wrap, but prettier and the cotton breathes better (I own both and am find I'm only using my loveyduds wrap).

    For a more structured carrier that's great from infancy to preschool age, I love my Beco Butterfly - I like it better than my Ergo carrier b/c there's infant/child inserts in it that keep the child securely in the carrier when you lift them up onto your front/back, and you can unbuckle the waist belt if you need to go to the bathroom, etc. w/o the child falling out :)  It has a nice sunshade, too, that allows you to have your little one out in full sun, yet be pretty shaded. is a great place to buy them, but also has a ton of info/pictures in the blog about them.

    I'm using both of these in L.A., so it's definitely warm here - both are pretty comfortable, even when it's warm outside (I just wear a tank top underneath to keep cooler).  I use both by myself fairly easily. :)

  • Well, I haven't used it yet, but I read a lot of great reviews of the Loveydud so thats what I got (ETSY).  Its really cute!

    I am hoping it works well for nursing too since I figure I'll have to NIP while out with DS. 

  • Ditto the loveydud!!  I have one and love it!   You can hold the baby upright like a Bjorn, but I thought it was way more comfortable becasue it is all fabric.  I am short and small and this is the only sling I have ever liked.

    I only used it when traveling with DD, but I foresee using it a lot with #3.

  • Oh, and loveyduds sells coordinating nursing covers, too :)
  • I love my Hotsling for the infant stage. ?Once they're ready for the hip carry, I prefer a ring sling. ?Both of those just go over one shoulder, though, so if you plan on doing a lot of walking with it on, you may want something that distributes the weight over both shoulders. ?I've used my Hooter Hider nursing cover since my oldest was 6 weeks old. ?Before that, I had to bring bottles of milk when we went out. ?Afterwards, I was able to nurse him anywhere-- restaurants, airplanes, church, etc.
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