
Postpartum bleeding-- how much is too much?

I can't remember the rule-- something like going through two pads in an hour, or maybe it's one pad in two hours? ?Anyone remember? ?I had pretty much stopped bleeding, then yesterday it started up full force again. ?I just woke up to feed Thomas, and a bunch came gushing out. ?(Sorry if that's TMI) ?I'm thinking it's just because I was laying down, then it all came out at once when I stood up. ?Will call my OB in a few hours. ?I'm pretty sure they'll tell me I'm just being too active, which I am. ?I hate this part of having a baby.

Re: Postpartum bleeding-- how much is too much?

  • In general, they get worried when you are saturating one pad per hour.

    Some people definitely bleed more when they're too active, and it can definitely pool in the vagina when lying down, like you said. Calling sounds like a good idea since sometimes there are other possibilities like retained placenta and infection.

    I hope all is well!

  • I'd call just to check, but you're likely fine.  I think they start worrying when large clogs occur.  I had the same thing happen... the bleeding subsided then came back FULL FORCE for weeks after.  Fun! :

    Try to take it easy, too!  I had a hard time just chilling out and that affected how much I bled.

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  • I was thinking from the beginning to the post that maybe you are too active - Do you have clots? I would try to rest as much as possible.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • You need to call if you are soaking a pad an hour. The gush is probably because you were lying down.

    You need to rest, especially if you had a c/section. You are going to prolong your recovery, and possibly land yourself back in the hospital.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • My bleeding stopped and started a lot with DS (my 2nd).  I was definitely more active with him than I was after having DD.  I would try to relax (easier said than done, I know).
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