Here's a quick back story:I TTC DS for over a year. ?DH had a SA and I was scheduled for a HSG when I found out I was pregnant. ?DD was an incredibly happy episode of great timing. I am blessed with 2 children and am NOT overlooking that fact!Here's my question: I've had an IUD for 18 months and have been temping and tracking my cycles for over 3 months. ?I don't believe that I've ovulated at all--no +OPK (I've tested once or more every day) or temp spikes. ?My cycles are extremely irregular and can last anywhere from 40-60 days.?I want to TTC again this fall. ?I am fairly certain that I rarely ovulate,which contributed to my problems conceiving DS. ?The nurse mentioned that the dr may want to start talking about Clomid when I see him. ?Can anyone here give me some insight about how Clomid works with irregular cycles?
Re: Clomid and irregular cycles?
That was why I took clomid...SUPER irregular cycles. My OB told me to call her when we wanted to TTC and she would prescribe I did, and it worked!
They give you something to make your period start (forget the name of it)..and then you start the clomid on usually cd 3 or 5 and take it for 5 days. They will usually start with a low dosage and adjust it if need be. Oh, and make sure your dr monitor you via u/s to make sure it is working. Let me know if you have more q's.
my advice- do NOT take clomid with an OB - unless they are monitoring you via bloodwork and ultrasound. Clomid is a serious med that can cuase problems (hyperstimulation, thinning of uterine lining, cysts, etc).... unfortunately so many Ob's just hand it out and say "go have sex" - wihch can be dangerous.
I would see an RE if you are having issues with your cycles. You could have PCOS, etc. (which is what I have). I was able to get pg fairly easily with the RE by taking clomid + IUI - first cycle with my DS and 2nd cycle with the twins.
if you post on TTTC or SAIF people will tell you the same - to see an RE if you plan to take clomid. Sure- some women get pg with clomid at their OB - but it's really quite risky.
good luck to you!
this is correct. But it is hard to time ovulation with irregular cycles.
Jen, just out of curiosity.....did your doc make you wait a while and track stuff before prescribing clomid? ?My IUD doesn't stop ovulation, so my tracking right now should be accurate. ?My regular OB is out on maternity until September, so I'm actually seeing the infertility guy at the practice in a week. ?I guess I'm just not too sure what to expect! ?
On a totally unrelated note--where are you in MI? ?We're in Livonia ?
No way! I never even realized you were in Michigan. We are in Northville...we are neighbors! Did you grow up here?
No, my dr didn't have me do anything....she just told me to call her when we wanted to ttc. I have always had VERY irregular seriously I have gone 6+ months without a period before.They did monitor me though....I agree his is a very important part of it.
That is crazy! We have prob seen each other out and about before! My OB is in Canton and I loooved them...but I haven't been back since my pp check-up. Not good, huh?