Britt's finacial aid forms need to be in by Monday. I need my ex's tax returns and SS #. Most of the forms have to be filled out online.
Well my ex has been dragging his feet for 2 months now. I finally called him and told him I need those thing NOW. 15 minutes later his sister called and said he was not gonna give me those things because she didnt want his info on the internet. I told her to mind her own effing business and that she dont understand the process.
I tried calling my ex back but he wasnt answering his phone. I finally called his mom with whom I still have a very good relationship with. I explain the whole situation and asked her if she could talk to him. She just called me back and said that I will have the stuff tomorrow morning...I can pick it up at her house.
I hate this....normally my ex and I have a pretty good relationship but when it comes to money and things like taxes he becomes an @sshole and then gets his beotch of a sister involved. I cant stand her....she thinks she's their mother and that she can override whatever I say or do.
thank you for letting me vent.
Re: I was so pissed at my ex and his sister that I was close to tears!