
Moms of long lean kids

Do/Did you ever get flack from your kids ped? We go to a practice of about 6 different doctors. I swear all of them think I don't feed my kids. We went today for DS's 6 month apointment and a weight check for DD. DD is the same weight she was at two years old and 4 inches taller. DS is in the 10% for weight and above the 95% for height. We are just a tall family (don't know where the skinny came from:). Today the ped acted like I was denying both kids food, I got the you really need to try to feed them more speech. Oh and he thinks if DS gets formula he will gain better Sad

Oh and it did not help that DD is coming off of a stomach virus and has not eaten for three days so when she asked her what she had to eat for breakfast today or anything yesterday she said nothing. Great, icing on the cake.

Re: Moms of long lean kids

  • NO, and I wouldn't stay at a practice whose doctors made me feel that way!  That is inexcusable.

    Gracie is 50% for height and 3% for weight.  The good thing is that her growth stays on the exact same curve all the time.  Her dr says this is just fine.  I don't starve her.  We offer her EVERYTHING, several times a day.  You can't shove the food down their throats.

    I'd find a new pedi.

  • No. B has always been around the 5th for weight and anywhere from 50-75 % for height. 

    I think some kids are just built that way and it would be irresponsible of a pedi to suggest otherwise.

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  • ZenyaZenya member

    that is nonsense!  Really - nonsense.

    My baby is a moose but my son is very tall and thin.  The pedi just says "taller than he is thin.  We should all be like that!".  I don't even like her that much but she is cool about his weight (he is not underweight at all - just he is thin for his height. Your son is not underweight, either!).  I would get a new pedi.

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  • FWIW we are NOT seeing the Dr. we did today again. I had them put a note in both kids charts.
  • YodajoYodajo member
    No, not really.  #1 is robust  all the way around, but #2 is like your DS-5% for weight and 95% for height.  My pedi didn't seem concerned and even said at his 6 month that he may lose more weight before his 9 month appt as he starts crawling. 
    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • Nope. She has always been that way. She is almost 5 and weighs 34lbs and is super tall (not sure of her measurements exactly). The pedi said that she's always grown at a constant rate, but its just that her rate is less than other kids and thats ok.
    photos by jennied photography

    Alissa Jean

  • imageAndrewsgal:
    FWIW we are NOT seeing the Dr. we did today again. I had them put a note in both kids charts.

    Good for you!  And I hope you told them why.

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