Jonathan turns 3 in the Fall and Gymboree P&M has a Level 7 program that's an hour and 45 minutes once a week, and it's a drop off program.
They do arts and crafts, dress up, sing songs, have snacks and, more importantly, Mommy and Daddy aren't present.
We've been doing Gymboree since he was 6 months old, so not only is he comfortable there, but I am too (which is way more important).
He'll start this in September. In your honest opinion, do you think this once a week for almost 2 hours is enough to get him geared up for preschool? Not as a replacement, but to get him ready?
Re: RE: Preschool posts. Tell me what y'all think...honestly
We definitely will, but I guess my main question is "Do you think this is enough or should I enroll him elsewhere too?".
Me with my littlest.
Sounds super fun.
Harry's school was all learn through play, and it is next year, too. ?The 4 year old program is more academic (focusing on writing and pre-reading skills, etc), but the 2 and 3 year olds sound a lot like the program you describe.
Also, my sending him was more for me than him, so I say do what makes YOU feel good.?
I really think kids adjust WAY faster & easier than we think they will.
Do I think 2 hours once a week will get YOU ready for him to go to preschool? Yes. I think you should do it.
That sounds a lot like the preschool program at Will's daycare. The first two hours of the morning are spent learning through play, with structured activities, circle time, that kind of thing. It's amazing how much he's learned.
I say definitely do it.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Yeah, that's the real question, right? Ha ha.
Me with my littlest.
I don't know J, so maybe he's extra sensitive etc, but I think it is more than likely that he'll do better at preschool than you think/worry he will. It's not really something they need to "gear up for" IMO. It's playing with other kids, listening to cool stories, going outside, doing fun art projects, etc. Most kids LOVE it, even if there is a brief adjustment period.
Kate is super shy around strangers and fairly attached to me. I put her in drop off "school" at 19 months. She cried for about 5 minutes at drop off for a couple of weeks (and is still sometimes a little clingy at drop off) but she is totally THRIVING there and LOVES it and talks about it ALL the time.
I don't think he needs any prep if you/he don't want to, but if you do, your plan sounds like a good one. He will most likely love it! GL!
I think its enough for this year and then he can go to preschool for 2 yrs after this one. I think 3 yrs of preschool is a waste when there are other options available for things to do.
Yes I think that enough because all you really want this to do is A. For him to get used to being somewhere without you and B. Him get used to being with other kids for a longer period...again, without you!
I think its a great idea.
Do it!!! I plan on putting my DD in the same program once she is old enough, which I believe is 3 as well. I might even do twice a week. She has been going to gymboree since she was 6 months as well, and feels very comfortable there.
I just don't see this huge rush to put your kid in preschool. My DD will be ready for K, both socially and academically. I don't need to put her in preschool when she is two or even three for that matter.
FWIW, I was a teacher before SAH and I am a strong believer that most kids not need more than one year of preschool. My DD may not even go at all...GASP! In CA you do not even have to enroll your kid in K if you don't want to!! I wouldn't reccomend that, but i think you can understand what I am saying.