
how to stop pumping

I am stopping pumping for a variety of reasons.  I last pumped yesterday morning.  I am engorged now, obviously.  My left breast does not hurt at all, but my rest is a little sore.  What is the best way to stop pumping?  Should I do a small pumping tonight just to relieve the pressure?  I am mostly worried about getting an infection or something.

Re: how to stop pumping

  • I pumped exclusively for 4 months what I did was at 4 months I started dropping my pumping sessions from 20 minutes to 10 minutes and then to 5 minutes.  I also would go as long as I could between sessions, wearing a good supportive bra helped.  I did it slowly over a month but with little to no pain and it was a breeze.  Good luck!
  • I've heard that cabbage leaves help (seriously!)
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    I pumped exclusively for 4 months what I did was at 4 months I started dropping my pumping sessions from 20 minutes to 10 minutes and then to 5 minutes.  I also would go as long as I could between sessions, wearing a good supportive bra helped.  I did it slowly over a month but with little to no pain and it was a breeze.  Good luck!

    That's pretty much how I did it, too.  Just a few minutes less at each session (say, if i used to pump 20, then I did about 17, then 14, then 10, etc) and I tried to stretch out the time between sessions as much as possible.  Eventually I was pumping once a day and then I cut that out.  Cabbage leaves seriously do help with engorgement.  It's weird, but it works!

  • i was an EP'er and i cut down slowly and had no pain. ?i decreased the # of pumps a day as well as time spent pumping...with each change i did 3 days, then decreased again. ?GL
  • I agree with the other suggestions.  Especially taking your time to decrease the number of times/length of time you pump a day.  I was also told sudafed helps dry you up.  I tried it and it worked for me.  But, I didn't take it until I wasn't pumping anymore.  I didn't want it in any of the last bit of precious milk.  Also, if you are looking for a good formula to switch to, my boys did really well with Nestle Good Start after my milk was gone.  Their diapers still looked like breast milk diapers!   Good luck!
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