
Any cars that will fit 3 across?

We're leaning towards a minivan, but I hate that it'll use so much gas.  Does anyone know of a car that will fit 3 convertible car seats across (can't base it just on infant seat base since that phase is so short).  It doesn't have to be cute and sporty, I don't even care if it's a granny car, just safe, not too much $$$$, and not a gas hog.  TIA.

Re: Any cars that will fit 3 across?

  • This is a great resource where people put what cars they've had success putting 3-across in, as well as what seats and were they RFing or FFing.

    You can also search in that thread (use "search this thread) for a particular vehicle if you'd like.  

    That board is great as well for info on such things--you don't need to register to post a question!

    Mom to J (10), L (4), and baby #3 arriving in July of 2015
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