
I don't think I am going web cam any more house showings

I don't think I can take it. Listening to them pick at our color schemes and what have done with the house is a bit disturbing. Lari's right - I am making it too personal.
Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image

Re: I don't think I am going web cam any more house showings

  • I know it hurts, but you're learning things that the realtors probably would never tell you! I think it could be helpful to you!
    She's crafty - and she's just my type.
  • I think it's interesting to hear what others say about your home.  I would love to hear what random people have to say about my color choices and decorating style.
    Liam is 5!
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  • It's hard not to take it personally-- it's your home.

    But those people are looking for their OWN new home, and their taste isn't going to be yours.

    As long as they pony up the cash to buy it, who cares? LOL

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • I am glad to hear that because it is creepy and illegal in many states, unless you tell the people in advance.
  • Woah. You're recording people without their knowledge?

    That's sketchy. And possibly illegal. Not to mention just plain weird.

  • I know I'm late on this...but why would it be illegal in your own home?  Maybe not watch people (so you don't see who they are...that is iffy) but to tape record them?  Employers do that all the time.  We suspected it at an office where I used to work and it was true...they were recording us!

    I would want to know what the realtor says to them when they make a comment about the color or decor.  If she/he says...paint is cheap and you can always repaint to match your style then OK...if they don't say anything THEN I'd be pissed!

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