
Moms of more than one

My GF is having her second baby?
What were some of the best gifts that you received for baby number two?

This one is the same sex as first & they don't Need anything
The only thin I can think of is a pair of Robeez ?
Summer 2011
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers ~early M/C 4/09 ~ Ectopic 6/09~ BFP 11/09~

Re: Moms of more than one

  • A good sling.  Anything personalized. 
  • ditto the sling...

    if you're in the same town,how about offer babysitting time. bring dinner one night.   

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  • I know I post this every time someone asks but  I swear I don't work for them!  I just really love these blocks as a gift:

  • a matching pair of "big brother" and "little brother" shirts.  Carters sells them... so does Crazy 8.

    diapers and wipes

    gift cards

  • I loved anything personalized.  DD got so many handmade items and DS got none. 

    The best gift someone brought to the hospital was a tub full of snacks and drinks.  Since I had a c/s DH and I stayed several nights.  It was nice to have stuff to eat without having to go to the cafeteria.

  • I'm a baby blanket whore...can't get enough of them!  You could always have something personalized or monogrammed once you know the name they're using.  I appreciated gifts give to DS so he didn't feel left out...even cheapy dollar bin gifts!  Meals are the best!  If you could bring dinner one night that'd be great. 
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