Okay... DH and I are considering the name Eden for our little girl. As we suspected, a lot of people in our generation love the name, and people in our parents' generation are undecided/unsure because it's "different".
My husband was raised non-denominational Christian, and I wasn't raised with religion. However, I'm currently learning about Christianity and going to church with DH because we want to raise our children in a Christian home.
MIL was absolutely horrified with the name Eden - "that's the place where humankind first SINNED!" She acted like our name choice was almost sacriligious. We were thinking the name more evoked the other meaning of Eden - a perfect paradise.
I know the name is ultimately mine and DH's decision, but from a Christian, what do you think?
Re: Are you Christian? Need your advice
i don't think people should have a problem with it.
Also, things like this make me think of a bit from the Catholic Easter vigil liturgy (I'm guessing this might not help your MIL at all, since she sounds pretty fundamentalist (not saying it as an insult, just a description), but perhaps it will comfort you about your choice). -- The part I'm thinking of says, "Oh happy fault, oh necessary sin of Adam, which gained for us so great a Redeemer!" That is to say, without the sin of Adam and Eve, Jesus would not have come to redeem mankind. That redemption puts us (at least according to certain schools of theology) in a BETTER position than we would have been if sin had not entered the world. Adam and Eve were companions or friends of God (He walked with them in the Garden), but through Christ we become His children, and a parent/child relationship is (I think we'll all agree) a deeper and more important one than that of friends. [I'm sorry for getting rambley and theological here. I thought this might help the OP think about why naming her kid Eden is in no way sacrilegious. I hope no one gets offended by what I've said.]
I too think of paradise when I think of Eden. I think your MIL is off on this one.
Then I don't like the name Eden for other reasons (it's nms at all) but not because of sin or whatever. So would your MIL not approve of the names Adam and Eve either - after all they were the sinners.
I don't think your MIL's opinion should matter really, but I don't like the name Eden at all, and to me, I do sort of think of negatively- the same way I do with Delilah and Cain. I'm not say it's not silly to an extent that I feel that way, maybe it is....but that's just me.
Some say the origin of sin is Adam.
But Eden is lovely for a name and it is always referenced as the Garden of Eden which is a beautiful. Besides, even if you take the negative connotation (which she did), it does not matter. Hence the new testiment and Christianity with the strive to rise above sin so turn the argument around on your MIL...
Agreed. And like a PP said - it's not like you're wanting to name the kid Satan! lol
I'm a Christian, but most Christians probably wouldn't agree with me on my religious philosophy. I just don't think that most Christians truly know anything about their history or why they believe what they believe. Most Christians seem to get caught up in dogma - which is mostly complete crap. Being a Christian means you follow Christ (who was the ultimate in compassion, mercy, and selflessness). It has nothing to do with anything else.
I say all of that, because not liking the name Eden based on the fact that you're a Christian just seems like more of this dogmatic bull-crap! (Sorry, but that's what I think!) I mean, seriously?! The garden of Eden was a beautiful place that those in the Judeo-Christian (and even some Muslims) tradition believe to be God's perfect plan for humanity. It should evoke thoughts of beauty, paradise, and be a reminder that while man may have chosen "sin", God always planned for mankind to enjoy peace, harmony, and the abundance of all things good!
Exactly. Eden is where Adam and Eve enjoyed a perfect relationship with God (for awhile anyway). God made the world to be perfect and beautiful, and Eden is exactly that. I'm not really seeing anything wrong with the name!
I love it! If we didn't know a couple Eden's it would have been on our list for sure!
I absolutely love, love, love the name,and would use it in a heartbeat....
That being said, once I proposed it to DH he said it sounded like; "Eatin' and God forbid she's chubby"
Sorry, don't want to ruin it for you, but that kinda put a damper on it for me?
I'm a Christian, and faith is a big part of my life. I think it's great that you're open to raising your kids in a Christian home. Here's my view of it...
Eden was a perfect place. When Adam and Eve chose to sin, they were cast out of the garden of Eden. Eden comes from a Hebrew word that means "place of pleasure, paradise." The name Edna is a derivative of it as well.
There are many names of people and places in the bible that might cause a negative reaction (Sodom, Gomorrah, Delilah, Jezebel, Lucifer, etc.), but Eden should definitely not be one them. The place that they chose to sin is completely irrelevant. I would think most Christians would have no problem at all with the name Eden. I know several Christian girls named Eve and several guys named Adam. If the names of the people who first chose to sin are not considered to be off limits to Christians, then why should the place of paradise that God created for them be off limits?
Good luck! Just choose a name you love and you can't go wrong.