I LOVE this name; so pretty and elegant-sounding. I think Lou and Louie are cute nns, as are Lulu or Lula. I'm also partial to Ouiser, from an undying love for Steel Magnolias. I don't really see the need to have a predetermined nickname; something is bound to "stick" once you see her. You'll have lots of options with this name.
I know two Louisa. One is nicknamed L.A. like the state abbreviation for Louisiana. (She had a mean stepbrother.) The other is Ouida, pronounced Weed-ah. She was nicknamed after a dead aunt with the same name.
Re: Louisa?
I love the name Lousia! I wanted to use it as a full name for Lucy, but DH vetoed.
I know two Louisa. One is nicknamed L.A. like the state abbreviation for Louisiana. (She had a mean stepbrother.) The other is Ouida, pronounced Weed-ah. She was nicknamed after a dead aunt with the same name.