
Who has a difficult PG but then went on to have another one after?

I keep thinking about having another baby.  My PG with Keira was very complicated, mostly due to Vasa Previa which ended with 2 months of bedrest at the end and a random week of bedrest here and there earlier in the pregnancy.

I know that most likely I will not have Vasa Previa again but who knows.  Also, at this point I'm 35 so I know that is a factor.

I just keep going back and forth with; I really do want another one vs. am I just tempting fate?

Mostly, I really want one more but I have these concerns in the back of my head.

Re: Who has a difficult PG but then went on to have another one after?

  • talk to your OB about the risks.

    DH & I wanted another child but after talking with my Peri he said I have a 25% chance of having placenta previa again.  i cant go thru that again.  I was on bedrest at 18 weeks, rushed to the hospital 3 times....the 3rd time ended up being admitted and stayed there for a month before having an emergency c-section at 33 weeks.

    25% chance is just too high for me and yes I'm very disappointed.

    so yeah definitely make an appt for an indepth consultation and then go from there.

    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
  • I had two difficult pregnancies, but for different reasons.  After having my first son and dealing with two months of left side only bedrest, a three week hospital stay, and tons of stress I said never again!  Then I went on to change my mind a year later :)

    After my second son, which involved 5 weeks of partial bedrest and a much easier csection then the first, I said I was going to have another.  And i plan on it eventually. Each pregnancy is different, I would just make sure you have a doctor you are comfortable with, perhaps a high risk doctor.  And also discuss your problems with your OB first.  Before getting pregnant with my second I met with my doctor to discuss risks etc.

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  • I have my annual appointment with my OB next Friday.  I will talk to her about it.  I'm very comfortable with her and feel I got excellent care through all of the drama of being PG with Keira.  She is great!

    Thanks for sharing your stories.  :)

  • This goes through my head too.  We are actually starting to TTC now (yay!) but it is a scary thought for me.  I was on bedrest for preterm labor from 34 weeks on and the thought of that with a 2 year old, or even worse, having a premie in the NICU with a 2 yo at home, is terrifying to me.


    But we are going for it.  I have a fairly good support network, and we will make it work.  I will do everything I can to have a healthy pg (eat well, excersice moderately, etc) and after that it is out of my hands.

  • I had two rough pregnancys and will do it again. I had kidney stones and hydronephrosis with both pregnancies. I had a shot every week, and was on bedrest with both. I delivered DD at 34 weeks with NICU time and DS at 36 weeks healthy. I figure now that we know the issue and I carry to term because of the shots all is good. It was a huge leap of faith but one we will do again in a couple of years.
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