

Are you feeling any better? Did you call the dr?


  • I'm feeling a little bit better. I usually feel okay during the morning/early day--the symptoms get worse towards the end of the day, so I'm in the nasty habit of saying, "Oh, I'm better today!" and then, by the time I feel like crap again, the dr's office is closed. ?
  • Yuck. That's how my cold/flu was a few weeks ago. If you've been sick over a week, I would go. Can you make an appt for late this afternoon?
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  • :butting in:

    Seriously, Sarah. Go to the doctor. I had something similar and it turned into a sinus infection and bronchitis. I am so glad to be on antibiotics and a nice, codeine cough med.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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