
Talk to me about charting.

Just waiting for AF to arrive so I am ready to move on to charting I think. Is FF my best chance to learn the ins and outs?

Blah. Blah. Blah.

Re: Talk to me about charting.

  • Same time every day before you get out of bed once you wake up.

    I use the basic FF. It really has helped me during O time.

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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    Book = Taking Control of Your Fertility ?

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  • I just started this cycle after 4 months of no luck.  I use FF but am stil super confused.  I am also having a hard time temping at teh same time.  We went away this weekend, and there was a time change, so that was messed up, and I have been waking up earlier than my normal time of 6 during the week for some odd reason and not sure if that throws it all off. I am on CD 15 and still no sign of O according to FF.  Iguess I am not a big help, but atleast we can bothe be new at this stupid stuff!  I am tired of wasting money on pg tests!!
  • I paid the $10 for the membership to FF.  I can't recall what extra goodies I got w/the $10, but I do remember that I found it to be helpful.  I also took my temp every morning, but weekend temps were taken a few hours later than weekday temps.  HTH and GL!

  • I did read everything on FF when I was TTC DS.  I found it extremely helpful. 
    Liam is 5!
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  • AlibabsAlibabs member

    1. Buy a basal body thermometer

    2. buy Taking Charge of Your Fertility  - Great book

    3. download the Ovusoft software  - great software and you can use it online too.


    You can buy 1&2 on Amazon.

    Good luck! 



    L-R: Liam (7), Eimhin (6) and Fionn (4)!  (Irish names)
    Too busy to update the pics for now ... :)

  • EH.....I never got into the charting thing.  I was about ready to when I ended up with my BFP.  The month I got my BFP I decided to have sex every other day from CD 10-20 and sex every day CD 14, 15, 16.  Of course, this won't work if you have fertility problems but if you aren't and are just missing O time, this does a good job of not missing it.
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  • tammy79tammy79 member
    I agree about the boo taking charge of your fertility, it's a great book. On the other hand, I hated charting, it drove me crazy, and I could not tell anything. So I got a CBEFM on ebay, got PG the 2nd cycle using it for both pregnancy. It was so much easier for me.
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