Baby Names

Just a thought...

Why are some of the comments on people's baby name options just downright rude.  I mean I pick your faviorite choice but there is no reason to knock the rest of them.  Why should we care if your cousin's friend's brother/sister has the name and is a complete ***.  And serioulsy knocking any creativity and originality out of their name choices...I'm sure you wouldnt like it if they knocked your name choices in that manner.  I mean hell I am considering names from my heritage and just because they aren't the cookie cutter Emma and Aiden they are getting knocked down like crazy....someone actually told me to name my American children American names on another blog.  Maybe I don't want my son to be one of 6 Aiden's in his class.  I grew up with the name Nancy and I was the only girl in the entire school named Nancy and I loved it....I was never confused as a diffrent Nancy.  All of the Ashley's and Elizabeth's I went to school with always hated when teacher never knew the difference between of each of them.  Its called individuality people....and I want my son to have some!
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Re: Just a thought...

  • Just because poeple give their opinion doesn't mean you have to listen to it. The nature of this board is that people give their honest opinion. Doesn't mean they know best. I knew whose opinion I respected and I didn't listen to the others. Really in the end I didn't care what anyone thought about my final choice, I love it so much.I guess that's when you know you picked the right name.
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  • I understand we dont all have the same name styles....and i'm not in a tizzy over someone saying they dont have the same naming style.  its the rude people like the woman to keep names american......she must have failed history because as i recall America is a melting pot of all naming your child using your heritage can't be all that bad. I guess what annoyed me the most about her comment was her saying that none of my names would work in this country.  I'm not daft....I checked each name I considered on the social security admistration's name usage page...and all of the ones I posted are used in the United States even though they aren't as common.


    p.s I wasn't dissing is a beautiful name.  I just meant I enjoyed growing up not sharing my name with anyone in school.

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  • I agree that some comments can be a little much but I posted here because I would rather see these opinoins from people I don't know rather than family and friends. 

     Like Analeigh.  In my mind it was always Ana-leigh.  I never saw the Anal part until someone mentioned it.  Now it's out.

     It's interesting when people say more obscure names are"made up names" but then there are a lot of people with kids with actual made up names. :)

  • While I agree 100% - if you are on a PUBLIC message board looking for OPINIONS - you will get just that.
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  • Why are women always "in a tizzy" when they give their opinion about something that doesn't go along with the popular consensus? It's so annoying. Yes, we post names to get an array of opinions. But everyone here has to admit that some opinions lack tact in the way they are expressed. That being said, we need to also not be so sensitive over the fact that the majority of people prefer traditional names and naming techniques and will therefore be more critical towards creative and unique names. However, I don't think it would hurt for any of us to be a little more open-minded towards naming, whether it be traditional or unique.

    And the person who said that "American" children need to have "American" names is just plain IGNORANT. She probably felt that saying "American" names was more PC than saying "white" which is probably what she really meant. In that case she should be naming her children Repentance, Redemption, Sovereign, or Praise as these were the type of  names "American" Pilgrims and early settlers were choosing to name their children.

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  • imageKappaUCF20:

    I understand we dont all have the same name styles....and i'm not in a tizzy over someone saying they dont have the same naming style.  its the rude people like the woman to keep names american......she must have failed history because as i recall America is a melting pot of all naming your child using your heritage can't be all that bad. I guess what annoyed me the most about her comment was her saying that none of my names would work in this country.  I'm not daft....I checked each name I considered on the social security admistration's name usage page...and all of the ones I posted are used in the United States even though they aren't as common.


    p.s I wasn't dissing is a beautiful name.  I just meant I enjoyed growing up not sharing my name with anyone in school.

    I do agree that it's very ethnocentric and ignorant for someone to criticize names belonging to other languages/nations.  I have pointed that out to people several times on this board in the past (i.e., someone says that a certain name sounds made up and then I have to actually show them that it isn't).  So I can understand why that would annoy you.  But I still think that the honest opinions given on here can be really helpful even if I think some of them are a little extreme.

    Agree. There are a lot of ppl on here who give great advice and know a lot about names, cultures, trends, etc. and then sometimes there are others who are just kind of rude, judgmental and/or clueless about anything other than what their own little life has encountered.

    Listen to the opinions you respect, and ignore the dumb ones.

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  • Whenever I respond to people asking for opinion I try to give my honest opinion. That is what the public, online message boards are about. I do try to be nice, for instance even if the name makes me Ick! , I put "nms" because the former is just plain rude (not referencing your list at all by the way). Also, names do not create individuals.... personally I disagree with giving your child a unique or creative name for the SOLE purpose of making them an individual.
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