
Can't stand automated people!!

I swear I wanna throw the phone each time I have to talk to some automated doofus! The same goes for the self check out line. I feel like a crazy person when dealing with these things. It's soo bad that when I have an automated person on the line, DS will walk over and start yelling "NOO!!" into the speakerphone. Yeah, he gets that from me b/c the damn thing never gets what I'm wanting correct and I'm constantly yelling into the phone "No!"

Sorry just venting as I sit here and wait for a live person to come on the line, that is if I can get through all the freaking options!

Re: Can't stand automated people!!

  • I hate automated people too!  I just press 0 a thousand times until they tell me they are transferring me to a CSR.


    Liam is 5!
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • Oh, I'm with you.  I hate the ones you have to speak into and cannot press numbers.  When I worked at a doctors office and had to check patient's insurances it is ridculous they have those for insurance companies.  Ummm...we have a waiting room full of patients to me that is against HPPA to be touting out people's ID numbers and birthdates and sometimes spelling their names!!!
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