I know there may not be a reason for dilation before effacement in second time Mom's, but I always thought the two occurred simultaneously or effacement then dilation.
When the doc told me today I was 1.5 dilated but not effaced, it struck me as odd. Why would my cervix start opening if the babies head isn't coming down yet? He also said it is very common in second time Mom's and I'm just trying to figure out why that is.
If this happened to you, when did you start effacing?
Please forgive me if this sounds ignorant. I just remember with Hayden I wasn't dilated but a fingertip but much more thinned out at this point (again, from what I"m reading that is the norm for a first time Mom).
Anyone have thoughts?
Re: Anyone dilate before they effaced?
3 boys (15, 8, 6), 1 girl (4)
With DD2 I was 2.5 cm dilated and not effaced from 30 weeks to 37w, at my 37w check up I was 4cm and still not effaced at all.
I had DD2 @ 37w3d and my cervix didn't change until I was almost 8cm!