_ass kissing field?
I free lance occasionally in the surrounding states (make up) and I feel like I sell a part of me every time I get off the phone with a job.
I only free lance to maintain connections. I just kind of feel like I am kissing major _ass all the time when I take these jobs.
I have a huge gig this weekend and I might have to medicate to get through it. I just feel like jabbing people's eyeballs out with a #266 brush when I am done.
I guess this is more of a vent but I hope that I am not the only one that feels that they are about 90% all show when working and really never show your true colors!
Re: Anyone work in an
I work in a doctors office, there are some patients that annoy and piss me off soooo bad, but I can't say anything to them. I have to be polite and smile. It totally blows.
I won't do a wedding for under $250 anymore. EVER. I can take a bride for $250 mouthing off and being an _ass even her orange glow but for under that I bail!
I used to sell wedding gowns. I used to feel like I needed a shower just b/c I had so much fake going on, I felt dirty.
Note - i got married in vegas. now you know why ;-)
Christmas 2011
LOL! believe it or not, it's not always the bride that needs the ass-kissing. sometimes it's the tempermental photographer, or sensitive musician. I swear, no one can ever tell me that I don't "use" my BS in Psych!
p.s. I always envy the makeup artists & stylists - they get to leave before all the real chaos begins!