Yesterday I was at Kohl's looking for PJs for DS. The ones I wanted were (of course) hanging way up high and I couldn't reach them. After looking for about 10 minutes for a sales associate, I finally found one and asked her to help me get the PJs off the rack. Before I could even finish my sentence, she interrupted me and said, "Just find one of those hooks." (These long hooks that you use to reach the hangers and pull them down.) I had actually looked for the hooks to get the PJs down, but there weren't any around. I told her this and she sighed heavily, went to another section of the store, got a hook and handed it to me. I asked again if she would help me get the stuff down and she ignored me. I asked yet again, and she said, "You need to use the hook," and walked away.
So what would you do? Get the stuff yourself? Contact a manager? Walk away?
Re: WWYD in this situation?
I would have left the store and called to tell the manager about the lack of customer service. That makes me mad for you.
What did you do?
Hit her with the hook.
Contemplate "falling" while doing it and filing an accident claim "but she told me to get it, I tried, I'm sorry.."
In reality? Find the store manager, complain, and not buy anything there anymore.
I would take the time to contact the manager. That is incredibly rude! I know that Kohls takes their customer service very seriously and would want to know about that. In my experience, people like that are rude because they don't think you'll ever do anything about it.
FWIW, in our Kohls stores there is a sign right next to those hooks that says "Please ask an associate for assistance."
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Wow, really at these responses?!
I would have gotten them myself in the first place. If you are looking for a fine shopping experience, I suggest Nordies. At Kohl's you will probably have to get the $9.99 PJs yourself and deal.
I got the PJs down myself, then marched back to customer service (where I had to wait for the person working there to finish talking to her friend before she would help me) and asked for a manager. I told the manager what had happened. He knew exactly which employee I was talking about and he apologized for her behavior and said he would talk to her. On my way out of the store, I passed the employee who refused to help me and told her I had just told her manager about her refusing to help me. She just stared at me.
I was so pissed. There were people at customer service standing in line for job applications, and the people with the jobs weren't doing them.
Snotty much?
I used to work at a Kohl's. The employees are supposed to get the high stuff for you.
No, not a find shopping experience by any means. But does that REALLY excuse people being a total ASS to customers?
Wow. Condescending much?
Ditto. I'm pretty non-confrontational myself, but I have no qualms about talking to store managers if I've been treated badly.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
I think it would have depended on my mood. I thought customers weren't allowed to use those hooks anyway?
Most days, i'd let it go and just get them myself.
However, if I'm feeling particularly biitchy, I would have done it myself, but accidentallyonpurpose knocked down two rows along with it. Then go up to her and say, "Oh, jeez, you know what? I tried getting them myself, but you know,. I'm not used to these things and I seem to have had a little accident. Oopsie. You may want to go take a look, btw"
jk. Sort of.
Wow Reom. I didn't quite think you were like this.
Matthew James 1/11/07
Ok, not trying to attack you here, but seriously?
So, only people that shop at "nordies" have the right to complain about decent costumer service?
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Plain and simple: she didn't do her job.
If one of my husband's employees had treated one of our clients like that, he would definitely want to know. That's NOT okay to treat people like that... especially with how easily replaceable people are nowadays. Either do your job right or the person waiting for a job right behind you will.
What a beyotch.
I worked in retail for a short time and that was excessively rude of her. I would have gotten them down but I also would have spoken to a manager about her. She obviously doesn't value her job. There are probably 20 or more that would like to be there instead of her!
BTW...she should not have assumed that you could do it yourself. Maybe you just had shoulder surgery or something. That was rude of her.