Canada Babies

XP from Canadian Nest re: convertible carseats

So since the 65lb 5 pt harness regulation is still fairly new in Canada, which carseats besides the Britax Marathon have that higher weight limit for a forward-facing in the harness?

I have seen one Safety 1st seat that goes to 50lbs forward facing in the harness, but nothing else. 

Anyone know of any? 

And while we're talking carseats, WHY can't our Marathons (and ALL other carseats for that matter) go to the same weight limit in the harness that the US models do? I wish we could get ours to 80-some pounds as well. I know they do extensive testing and all, but sometimes it's frustrating to see the US get (what seems to me) a better safety option for carseats while we're still lagging behind. 

TIA for any help!

Re: XP from Canadian Nest re: convertible carseats

  • AlilivAliliv member

    The Marathons in the States and Canada are the same (built the same, etc.), it's just that they are only recently (I think one and half years ago)  approved to go to 65lbs (same as US).  It's not that the US has better satey options than here, it's that Canada hasn't approved some of the carseat for higher weight limits yet.  I think (but, don't quote me on this) that Canada has more strict safety rules and regulations regarding carseats........

    I love our Marathon, so I haven't really looked at other convertible carseats that could go to 80lbs.  Sorry I'm not much help!

  • The Safety 1st Apex goes to 65 lbs, and the Graco Nautilous does as well. We have the Apex and it's okay, but if the Nautilous was available at the time we'd have chosen that one.


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