Does this seems like reflux to you? I am about the call the pedi to see what he thinks and if he can see us to get some help for DD but I want to make sure that it does in fact seem like reflux and not just "typical newborn behavior".
Here are the symptoms that I've noticted:
wet sounding burps, spitting up soon after feeding, spitting up again within the hour after feeding, back arching after spitting up, painful cries "out of the blue", gurgling sound in throat, sounds like reswallowing, frequent hiccups, always very fidgety
I've done a few things already to help relieve the symptoms - gas drops, holding her upright for 30 mins after feedings, cutting out caffiene totally from my diet, not eating spicy foods
Something is definitely bothering her but I can't figure it out. She sleeps pretty good but when she's awake she's constantly fidgeting and grunting and seems like she's in pain.
Re: Moms of refluxers - HELP!
Sounds like it, but it could also be a lactose intolerance. Both of my kids had a combination of both. I was supplementing and eliminated dairy from my diet as well as put them on a low lactose formula and that helped a lot (soy for DD and Gentlese for DS). However, for my daughter we had to add cereal to her bottle and for my son (his was a lot worse) we had to start Zantac. Just a warning, some doctors are not very helpful, you may have to become an advocate for your DD. Do your research and be prepared to defend yourself.