
Flying with two children

I am considering flying alone with DD and DS in September.  I think i'll be ok, as I have flown a lot with DS but there are some logistics I'm not sure about.  Getting through security is my biggest worry.  I will wear DD in a sling or carrier.  They always let me take DS through like this.  But what about DS?  He will just be 2. Can he walk through with me holding my hand?  I can't really trust him to walk through and stand on the other side.  Not sure how this will work.  Also on the plane if you have to go to the bathroom what do you do?  It will be a 4 hr flight and i know I will have to go.  I'm thinking DS will be in his carseat so I could just ask a stewardess to sit with him?  Lastly, does a child at 2 need to be in a carseat?  I know it is safest, but I'm not sure how i'll get all that though the airport and he will already have a carseat at our destination.  Thanks.
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Re: Flying with two children

  • oh girl, I feel ya!  I'm doing this in the fall with a newly 2y/o and a 3 1/2y/o.  I'm nervous.

    a friend did this and said to check as much as possible.  with two in seats, she recommended a carseat for the younger.. there are wheelie things that you can put the carseat on and use that as your stroller in the terminal. nice.  I plan on using a backpack one, take a bag of distractions.  I will have a "prize" if they are good.  might be handy with your older dc.  and using my single stroller.  We'll see how it goes???? eeeeeek.  


    I will be watching for stories from people who have done this.  good luck! 

  • You're nuts! I can't even imagine flying with my 2 yo. He is uncontrollable at his best right now. Good luck to you all who are attempting this. May the force be with you!
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  • They've always made me take off my sling/carrier, but I think that depends on the airport.  They do let DD#1 just walk through holding my hand.  She's timid so she gets nervous.  I just hold DD#2 on one side and hold DD#1's hand on the other side.

    As to going the bathroom on the plane - don't if you can help it.  If not, have the baby in the carrier/sling and smush all three of you into the bathroom.  Or you can always ask a nice flight attendent to hold the baby or maybe see if one of your neighbors will stay with your DS#1.  

    No, your DS doesn't have to be in a carseat.  Like you said, it's safest, but a PITA to carry along with everything else.  We have a CARES Harness that we use for DD#1 most of the time.  We forgot it on one trip and she was fine.  The harnesses are expensive, but the only ones (that I know of) that are FAA certified.  Plus they're so tiny and light they fit into a carry one easily.  I got one for DD#1 when I was PG with DD#2 and traveling alone with her.  It works great.  I've loaned it to a few friends and they love it too both to keep kids in their seats and just feel a bit safer than the regular seat belt.  Speaking of which, I need to order a second one for DD#2.  We got her a seat for our June trip.

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