Alabama Babies

Kennedy is STTN!

Or at least almost... at 5.5 weeks old!

Since she first came home from the hospital she's been a good sleeper, starting out with 4 hours straight, and has built up from there. This past week she has slept from 10 p.m. to around 5:00 a.m. consistently. Woo hoo! I hope it lasts. I started using a swaddler last week and that's when she really started sleeping longer.

 One question though... is her sleeping through the night going to hurt my milk supply? After she wakes up I feed her, but I still feel so engorged. So, I've been pumping after she feeds and goes back to sleep around 6 a.m.

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Re: Kennedy is STTN!

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    wow! that's great!  Just a word of caution - just don't expect it to last - you may be lucky that it does, but a lot of babies will STTN a few nights in a row and then wake up to eat. 

    Avery was always a great sleeper too - she'd go down about 10 and wake up consistently around 3-3:30 and then we'd feed her, change her and be back asleep within 20-30 minutes.

    As far as your milk supply, your body should adjust to what Kennedy NEEDS - so if she's not waking up to eat in the middle of the night, there really is no need for you to - your boobs will eventually get the message and you won't be as engorged in the mornings.

    And - if she does for some reason get up in the middle of the night, she should be able  to easily signal a let down and get the milk she needs. 

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    aubie96aubie96 member
    way to go Kennedy!!!  I hope it lasts for y'all!!!!
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    Yay Kennedy!  It is the greatest thing ever when you get more than 4 hours of sleep at a time.

    I am with Sarah - Jude STTN for a few days around 6 weeks and then hit a growth spurt and it was downhill after that.  I think it was around 3 months when he was STTN consistently.  Also when he is teething he is up in the middle of the night.  Sunday night he was up every hour starting at 3am till he got up for good at 7:00.

    For your sake I hope she stays STTN!!

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    Yay Kennedy! Even if its only for a few days!!
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    That's awesome!  I agree, some kids are just good sleepers.  Jenna was NOT one of them though... 

    You never know, but it's great that Kennedy's sleeping so well!  Hope she keeps it up for you!  Isn't is amazing now 6 hours straight is pure heaven???

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    That's great news!!! WOOHOO!

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    woohoo! that's great news Lydia =)
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