Alabama Babies

darn you AF!!!!!

I know we've only been trying for a month, I wasn't expecting a BFP by any means, and am SUPER glad I'm regular, I mean to the day.  BUT ugh, the cramps.  Darn you AF!!!!  and of course Brad travels a lot this month too.  ARRRGGGHH!!!

Re: darn you AF!!!!!

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    Sorry Katie! Maybe next cycle!

    That is amazing that you are regular though, already! That didn't take that long considering, and that's good.

    I know you got off the pill before you started TTC- How many cycles was it before?

    I am on my last cycle on BC. I know it's supposed to be all over the place for a little while-I hope it regulates itself in not too much time though. We'll see :)

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    aubie96aubie96 member

    Sorry Katie! Maybe next cycle!

    That is amazing that you are regular though, already!

    This is my last cycle on BC pills and I am anxious to start charting when I'm done with them-I know it's supposed to take a while to get back to normal and I am expecting that (I read TCOYF and all that great stuff :-P) but it would be nice if I got lucky like you :)

    oh Lauren I NEVER thought I'd be the "regular" girl.  ha ha.  I got off BCP in Dec and have been on time 28-29 days to the day.  I can't believe it.  I also only have AF for the max 4 days.  I feel very grateful.  Oh and the migraines have gone away!!!!  I have only had one since being off BCP.  So we'll do something else after we have kids b/c it will be totally worth me not having migraines!!!! 
    I'm not charting yet but have the book and have skimmed it.  I will chart if we have probs.

    Good luck!!!!  I hope it goes smoothly for you as well.

    Now lets just hope one of these cycles I can get a BFP. 

    Hope you have a great day off!!!

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    Sorry Katie! Maybe next cycle!

    That is amazing that you are regular though, already!

    This is my last cycle on BC pills and I am anxious to start charting when I'm done with them-I know it's supposed to take a while to get back to normal and I am expecting that (I read TCOYF and all that great stuff :-P) but it would be nice if I got lucky like you :)

    oh Lauren I NEVER thought I'd be the "regular" girl.? ha ha.? I got off BCP in Dec and have been on time 28-29 days to the day.? I can't believe it.? I also only have AF for the max?4 days.? I feel very grateful.? Oh and the migraines have?gone away!!!!??I have only had one since being off?BCP.? So we'll do something else after we have kids b/c it will be totally worth me not having migraines!!!!?
    I'm not charting yet but have the book and have skimmed it.? I will chart if we have probs.

    Good luck!!!!? I hope it goes smoothly for you as well.

    Now lets just hope one of these cycles I can get a BFP.?

    Hope you have a great day off!!!


    you too- oh and I am a nerd and edited my post, because after I wrote it I remembered that you actually got off the pill before trying so that helps explain why you are regular now. ?Sorry, lol.

    I was starting to get migraines monthly too! I used to never get those but that was yet another motivation to get off those things. I hope to get the hang of charting and just do that for BC down the road. I think I am done with hormones, unless I have problems and need them for a medical issue.

    good luck to you :)?

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    Sorry about AF but good luck with cycle #2!
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    That sucks. I hope it happens soon! We're putting it off for a few months so that DH can start grad school. Kinda bummed but it's going to help us out in the end. So I'm sending you baby dust for cycle #2.
    Erin~N~Gregg 6/30/07 Project 365 imageCafeMom Tickers
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    aubie96aubie96 member

    Thanks girls!!!  Well my sister got pg on cycle 2 or 3 (of course she can't remember now!!!) and it's weird but we both have the same health track/issues so I'm hoping the best for #2!!!!!

    Yeah, I think I'm done w/the BCP too Lauren.  DH said he'd even be willing to get snipped (ouch!!!) so I wouldn't have to worry about it or my doctor said we could figure a way for me to actually HAVE to have my tubes tied after the last child. 

    So we'll see but that's for later.  Right now I'm SO glad I am not having the migraines on top of AF - as that's how it would usually happen.  I'd have to be on special meds during AF. 

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    uagirluagirl member

    I hope cycle #2 is it for you!

    I'm with you on no more BCP.  My doctor had me quit taking them because my blood pressure was through the roof (150/100).  Within a month of stopping BCP, it was normal again.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BabyFruit Ticker

    m/c 05/2009
    DD born 8/9/10
    TTC #2 since 8/2012
    CP 12/2012
    dx MFI 10/2013
    Surprise BFP 11/6/2013  EDD 7/19/2014
    Beta #1 15 dpo HCG 355 Prog 30.9
    Beta #2 22 dpo HCG 8147 Prog 18.8
    Beta #3 29 dpo HCG 44580 Prog 29.8

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    hopefully it will happen for you soon.  as far as the charting, you may want to start sooner than later - you may be having perfectly regular, anovulatory cycles, or a shorter/longer Luteal phase - all which may hinder success... you just never know

    I can't wait for you to get pg!!!

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    aubie96aubie96 member

    hopefully it will happen for you soon.  as far as the charting, you may want to start sooner than later - you may be having perfectly regular, anovulatory cycles, or a shorter/longer Luteal phase - all which may hinder success... you just never know

    I can't wait for you to get pg!!!

    I know, but I guess I'm old fashioned and just want to wait and see how it goes.  I have tests on hand for when the time comes : )

    and if it doesn't happen in a few months (I know, that's not normal, but possible) then I'll chart.

    oh the pressure Sarah!!!  LOL

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    Awww Katie I am sorry.  Hopefully next month will be it!!! 

    I am with Sarah I can't wait for you to get pregnant!

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    aubie96aubie96 member

    Awww Katie I am sorry.  Hopefully next month will be it!!! 

    I am with Sarah I can't wait for you to get pregnant!

    y'all are too sweet!!!!  I think everyone is ready including myself - from family, friends, etc.

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    I always forget about this board! I am so excited that you are TTC! I hope you get good news next month. I was off the pill for about as long as you have been now when we started trying. We made sure to "try" three days before, the day of and three days after 2 weeks before AF was scheduled to show up. We got pregnant on the first cycle...we were really surprised and I would be lying if I didn't say a little freaked out but you know how great it all turned out :o) BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!!! :o)
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