I thought I had an ear infection, but it turns out it may be TMJ. Has anyone ever had TMJ? What was the treatment? Is it something that goes away entirely or does it come and go? Thanks in advance!
I had headaches and jaw popping/locking growing up. I went to an orthodontist, for years to fix it. My mom went to him as an adult and the treatment helped her as well. many say the only fix is surgery... and maybe for a complete fix, as an adult??? but my mom has much much fewer headaches and her jaw doesn't lock anymore. My orthodontist developed specific devices and tested them out on her. he was awesome. our step two would have been surgery, had this not worked... but it was many years of mouth pieces and braces and whatnot. as far as pain relief... motrin, dec caffeine intake, I used to massage under my ears. oh I do not miss daily headaches.
TMJ is actually the name of the joint... we all have it- to be specific you are talking about a TMJ disorder.
I have one- my jaw clicks when i chew on one side. My dentist did some x-rays, etc - and made a retainer to wear at night that has helped a lot. It pushes my lower jaw forward while i sleep - so it's aligned better.
My migraines were significantly reduced when I started to wear the retainer - which is the reason I decided to have it done. Most insurance does not cover it b/c it's still not considered a real fix, etc - though, my dental insurance did cover a good portion of the cost (which even my dentist was surprised about).
do your research and make sure you know all costs up front b/c it can be very pricey to have all the xrays/molds/retainers made, etc.
I should add neither of us have to wear mouthpieces anymore.
check with your insurance... if they cover treatment, it may specify the need of a referral from your medical doctor. that was how my parent's dental insurance refused to pay... they said it was a medical issue... medical ins did not cover. blah blah blah. that was years ago though. check with your medical and dental insurance policies.
I should add neither of us have to wear mouthpieces anymore.
check with your insurance... if they cover treatment, it may specify the need of a referral from your medical doctor. that was how my parent's dental insurance refused to pay... they said it was a medical issue... medical ins did not cover. blah blah blah. that was years ago though. check with your medical and dental insurance policies. if you need the surgery it's through a oral surgeon. but the orthodontic treatment may be covered as well... it's a longer process though.
I was diagnose w/ a slight TMJ problem when I got my braces as a child. Occasionally, I have popping between my jaw and ear. The orthodontist just recommended not chewing gum, doing anything requiring a lot of shouting (like cheerleading ... I was a kid), etc. I did all of them, but that was all he said. Now, I only have issues when I've eaten difficult to chew food or kept my mouth open wide for long periods of time, like having dental work. Hope you feel better soon.
Re: Has anyone ever had TMJ?
TMJ is actually the name of the joint... we all have it- to be specific you are talking about a TMJ disorder.
I have one- my jaw clicks when i chew on one side. My dentist did some x-rays, etc - and made a retainer to wear at night that has helped a lot. It pushes my lower jaw forward while i sleep - so it's aligned better.
My migraines were significantly reduced when I started to wear the retainer - which is the reason I decided to have it done. Most insurance does not cover it b/c it's still not considered a real fix, etc - though, my dental insurance did cover a good portion of the cost (which even my dentist was surprised about).
do your research and make sure you know all costs up front b/c it can be very pricey to have all the xrays/molds/retainers made, etc.
I should add neither of us have to wear mouthpieces anymore.
check with your insurance... if they cover treatment, it may specify the need of a referral from your medical doctor. that was how my parent's dental insurance refused to pay... they said it was a medical issue... medical ins did not cover. blah blah blah. that was years ago though. check with your medical and dental insurance policies.
I should add neither of us have to wear mouthpieces anymore.
check with your insurance... if they cover treatment, it may specify the need of a referral from your medical doctor. that was how my parent's dental insurance refused to pay... they said it was a medical issue... medical ins did not cover. blah blah blah. that was years ago though. check with your medical and dental insurance policies. if you need the surgery it's through a oral surgeon. but the orthodontic treatment may be covered as well... it's a longer process though.