
Did you have a lot of r. ligament/muscle pain?

For the past couple of weeks I've had a lot of pain when I move around.  The dr. said it was just round ligament pain and it's normal.  It was starting to get better, but now by afternoon I'm hobbling around again and can hardly get out of a chair by night.  That and I feel like I dislocated my bladder or something, every time I stand up I feel like I have to pee.  Maybe this is just babies pushing on the bladder already?  I thought that was moreso later on.  At this point I'll be in Depends in no time.

Just wondering what everyone's experience with this was and if there's anything that helps the pain vs. just laying down. 

*Siggy Warning*

About me  2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!



Re: Did you have a lot of r. ligament/muscle pain?

  • I have no advice for avoiding the pain, hopefully the babies shift soon.  And yes, sadly, they're going to be pushing on your bladder pretty early on since there is two.  I had round ligament pain the whole way through the pregnancy pretty much, started around 10 weeks. 

    I take it you have a desk job?  Try getting up and walking around for a little bit every hour, it will help relieve some of the pressure.

  • Sorry to hear about your pain. FWIW, I too have had some soreness/pains like you in the past week or so (I'm 15 wks with twins) and so has my sister (18 wks PG with a singleton). Dr. said that is normal and we're just getting "stretched out."Is this your first PG? My dr. said it's common to feel these pains especially if it's a first PG.

    As far as alleviating these pains, I recently enrolled in a prenatal yoga class that meets once a week. I'd highly recommend it as the instructor has given great, easy-to-do stretches that really help reduce soreness/tightness like you described in your post. Perhaps there are class offering as such in your area??

    Hope this helps...and sure hope your pain eases up soon!! Hang in there!

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  • This pregnancy it is KILLING ME and I know it will be much worse.  For me staying off my feet and resting is the most helpful.  I don't need to be laying but I do need to be resting.
    Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09 Photobucket 29o0v13.jpg
  • This time around (twins) I've had a whole lot more pain than the other two times.  I had some pains, very infrequently, that I thought may have been RLP, but nothing regular enough to be sure.  Now I really KNOW what RLP is!  And pain in the pubic symphasis, too.  And morning sickness,  And bladder control problems.  Stick out tongue

    My twin pregnancy has been filled with so many more symptoms that I'd only read about in books before.

    (((Hugs)))  At least I can tell you that my RLP has gone away.  I guess I'm so stretched out by now that there's nothing more to stretch.  lol!

  • i am 29 weeks and if i dont change positions often (every 5 minutes really) i start to hurt. if i sit too long, i will hardly be able to walk when i get up. i also have siatic nerve problems along with the body aches! the body aches go from my upper back to my feet at times. i asked my doctor about applying a heating pad, and she said it was fine as long as i didnt put it on my stomach and it wasn't hot (warm, but not hot). yeah, getting up and moving around here and there is good when sitting, then taking a rest when standing will help you deal with your discomfort. my best position is to lay sideways on the couch with pillows proping my sides up (sort of like they show egyptians doing with the slave fanning them).

    i noticed a woman pregnant with a singleton posting about doing prego yoga. when i discussed exercise with my doctors around week 20, they said that they dont want me to do anything i didnt do before i was pregnant at this point in time- and i didnt have any problems. this is especially important because having twins equals high risk in the medical field, so talk to your doctor before doing anything new physically. its easier to pull muscles when you are pregnant, too. 

    also, about the constant peeing, i would mention this to your doctor. you can have a urinary tract infection without any pain or other symptoms. a uti can lead to preterm labor, which is definitely not what you want!

    good luck! and you are not alone!!!

  • I had very little of this with my singleton pregnancy but it's been TERRIBLE since about 16 weeks with my twin pregnancy and seemed to get worse each week.  It got to the point I couldn't even put my own pants on because I couldn't lift one of my legs high enough.  When I got put on bed rest at 31 weeks, it helped tremendously because I was reclined and it seemed to relieve the pressure around my pelvic area.  Other than sleeping with a pillow in between my legs and warm baths, nothing really helped.  Hang in there!
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