My four year old is driving me nuts! He recently gave up naps, which would be fine if he could entertain himself once in awhile. He has NEVER played by himself. My 2 year old can sit and play for over an hour, which makes life so much easier! Sometimes I need to get stuff done, or take a break, and I can't entertain him all the time. Now that he is not napping I don't get that time anymore either. I went out yesterday and bought him two new "big boy" toys. Toys that have smaller pieces that his younger brother can't play with. I thought they would be his special "quiet time" toys. Didn't work...he is now whining for us to play with him with them and refused to play alone. He has also become very demanding. Constantly whining and demanding a drink, a snack, for me to get stuff for him etc. I will usually tell him he has to wait or to have patience and ask nicely. Then he goes to my husband and starts demanding, and usually my husband will just get it for him. I realize we need to get on the same page with a few things but I have no idea how to get him to entertain himself (without the tv being on constantly!)
Anyone have this problem? Any ideas on what to do to fix it?
Re: How to teach 4 year old to play by himself?
My MIL had a rule with her kids that they had to take a rest every day even if they didn't sleep. They had to spend an hour either lying in their bed or playing quietly in their room. Maybe try a "rest" hour even if he isn't sleeping. She kept that rule until they were in Kindergarten and it worked for all three of her kids!