
38 weeks today!

This is not to brag or make any preemie moms feel bad.  It's just to celebrate and let some of the MoMs-to-be know that it CAN happen.... Not all twins come preterm!  I've actually had fewer and fewer contractions since 36 weeks than I was having before.Tongue Tied

My c-section is Tuesday -- TWO MORE DAYS!!  (I can't wait to lose some of this weight!!!!)

Re: 38 weeks today!

  • Woohoo, congrats!
    You are 3 hours further along than I made it! ;) (Scheduled induction)
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • That is just soooo wonderful!!!  I hope I make it to term w/you.
    Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09 Photobucket 29o0v13.jpg
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  • Congrats! My girls were delivered via scheduled c-section at 38 weeks exactly.
  • That is great!  Our twins were born at 37w1d, they did perfectly and didn't need any NICU time at all.  We feel so blessed that this was our experience.  I was on bedrest from 25 weeks on b/c of preterm labor so we were so glad that they managed to hang in there till 37.  Good luck with your delivery, I hope it goes great!!!  Oh, and I also stopped having contractions toward the end.  I wasn't having any at all and my water broke, the babies were born 7 hours later!
  • dec13thdec13th member
    Great news!!
  • That is great news! congrats on making it this far. Wow 2 more days and you get to meet your LO. Great job momma
  • That is GREAT!!!

    I am 35 weeks today! 38 is my icing on the cake goal - I hope i make it like you!!!!!!!!  Best of luck to you on Tuesday!!!!! 

  • Way to go!!  I know you must be sooooo ready!!!  Good luck and congratulations! Enjoy every moment b/c it goes sooo fast!
  • That's great.Congrats, can't wait to hear all about the babies. -Marcie
  • Congrats!  I hit 38w tomorrow and my c/s is Wednesday! 

    I hear you about the contractions.  I quit taking my procardia at the end of week 36 and have hardly contracted at all!  I think these LOs would stay in there forever if we didn't take them out!

    My c/s was originally supposed to be Tuesday as well, but it was booked solid b/c of the holiday tomorrow. 

    Good luck! 

  • congrats!  I went into natural labor just 4 hours before my scheduled induction at 38w5d.... maybe you will too!
    R E A D S 5 D E A R S
  • Congrats!  That is amazing.  I hope I can make it that far!
    My Blog: Say Lucky Pregnancy Ticker image Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Congrats!  I hope I can make it that far!
    My Blog: Say Lucky Pregnancy Ticker image Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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