This is not to brag or make any preemie moms feel bad. It's just to celebrate and let some of the MoMs-to-be know that it CAN happen.... Not all twins come preterm! I've actually had fewer and fewer contractions since 36 weeks than I was having before.
My c-section is Tuesday -- TWO MORE DAYS!! (I can't wait to lose some of this weight!!!!)
Re: 38 weeks today!
You are 3 hours further along than I made it!
That is GREAT!!!
I am 35 weeks today! 38 is my icing on the cake goal - I hope i make it like you!!!!!!!! Best of luck to you on Tuesday!!!!!
Congrats! I hit 38w tomorrow and my c/s is Wednesday!
I hear you about the contractions. I quit taking my procardia at the end of week 36 and have hardly contracted at all! I think these LOs would stay in there forever if we didn't take them out!
My c/s was originally supposed to be Tuesday as well, but it was booked solid b/c of the holiday tomorrow.
Good luck!