Alabama Babies

swing, vs. bouncer vs. travel swing

which one do you ladies have or plan on having? I am having a hard time deciding which to get/register for.  What are the pros and cons to each that you are aware of and which would you recommend? tia

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Re: swing, vs. bouncer vs. travel swing

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    I would say the bouncer was a must have for us.  We used it from the day we brought her home and still use it often.  The swing...well at first she hated she uses it sometimes, but something we could live without.
    Allie ~ 01/26/09 ~ 7 lbs, 9 oz ~ 20.75 in. & Amelia ~ 03/16/11 ~ 8 lbs, 1 oz ~ 21 in.

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    we have both a swing and a bouncer.  She liked the bouncer with no toys better at first.  She liked the swing but we could have lived with out it.

    BUT - some babies LIVE in their swing :)

    So you can figure out which one you think you'll want and then after baby gets here, you may end up having to buy something different

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    I'm definitely registering for a bouncer...almost everyone I know says that a bouncer is a must.  I have heard conflicting things with swings...some like it some hate it...I am currently leaning towards registering for one just in case. 
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    We had a bouncy and a swing. Used the swing less than the bouncy but I still would have bought the swing if I was redoing everthing. Lyla took naps in the swing from time to time.

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    I have both the swing and the bouncer and loved them both!  I think I probably used the swing more than the bouncer, but they were both very valuable.  Jude used to take all of his naps in his swing - that was the only place he would nap (other than on me).  The bouncer was great to put him in when I was trying to get ready or fix dinner.  I would definitely register for both!

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    Oh and I had the Fisher Price cradle swing (little lambs one) and LOVED it. 
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    The bouncer was a MUST with Caleb.  The swing was nice at times, but we didn't use that as much.  However, with Haley, I did.  She was in it quite a bit and would even nap in it at times.  Babies are all so's hard to know what exactly your baby will like the best.  IMO, it's best to have as much as possible to choose from!  And, if they are gonna be gifts anyway, you may as well register for all of them.  I've never had a travel swing and I'm not very familiar with them.
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    MissLMSMissLMS member

    So far we have used the FP cradle swing A LOT. She takes almost all of her naps during the day in it. We even take it apart and travel with it when we have gone to visit my mom for the weekend. (It's not a travel swing, but we don't have a travel swing.)

    DD so far has not liked her bouncing seat. I don't know why. But,  in general, she is happy when she is moving and I guess the bouncer isn't moving enough for her. She doesn't like staying still unless she is on the floor.

    I say register for both.

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    Thanks. I think that I am going to register for both. I was just unsure before. Thanks for the great advice

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