Hi ladies,
I am pregnant again (just about 23 weeks) and I've been feeling alot of pressure below my belly button - but not in my vagina (above it). Sorry to be so blunt. It's nothing I can time, but just alot of pressure - on and off for the past couple of days....and it's worrying me.
I've read that, since this is my second pregnancy, I'll feel things more than I did with my first - is/was that true with you too? Also, I've been feeling the baby kick for about 5 weeks now (which I love) but the kicks are so LOW. I can understand that they were low last month....but does it make sense for the kicks to be so low, still? Sorry to sound like such a neurotic, clueless drama queen.....I'm just a bit concerned
Thanks for your thoughts. I appreciate it!
Re: Moms who are/were pregnant again, please come in....
I have the same thing!
With my 2nd he always felt so low that I would swear his toes would be hanging out of my vagina!!! I also felt him from 14 weeks.
Now with my 3rd I felt him a little later and he did not seem as low. So weird what your body does.
Enjoy you pregnancy!?
Sounds like what I'm feeling. I've been feeling this baby move since about 14 weeks and the kicks/movements are still very low. I've also had a lot of pressure and have certainly felt a lot more stretching/discomfort this time around.
When is your next appt? You could also be noticing the start of braxton hicks. I know that when I had them, there were certain spots that were uncomfortable depending on the position of the baby. I've also felt a lot more "pushing"/rolling this time, rather than really hard kicks. I think it's just the position she's in.
I'd mention it to your doc. but it sounds like everything is fine.
3 boys (15, 8, 6), 1 girl (4)