The clicky poll below about which names are easier made me think about this. I feel like it's easier to name girls because people are choosing from girl AND boy names.
We've had to cut a few names because they are either being used by too many girls in general (Addison) or because we personally know people who just used them for girls (Ryan, Dylan). Recently, I posted about Rylan (a name which I really only heard a month ago) and discovered, that while it IS a boy name, it's being used for girls, too. (No big deal though- I wasn't in love with the name.) When I was pregnant with DS, we really liked Cameron. If we still loved it, I'd still use it but man, there are a lot of girl Camerons!
Ironically, one of my favorite names for a girl is Avery. So I TRY not to hate on the parents who choose boy names for their girls. I might have been one of them myself if I had a girl. But it's hard when you're trying so hard to name a boy!
Re: Having a boy? Have you scratched names because too many girls were using them?
TTC since March '06
MFI, LPD, possible PCOS
3 chem pgs * m/c identical twins at 9w 10.06
IVF w/ICSI #2 - beta - 187! (9dp5dt), beta - 367! (11dp5dt)
IVF w/ICSI #3 - it's a girl!
My IF Blog: Between the Lines
My Parenting Blog: Letters From Your Mama
Yes, I have had to scratch Dylan, Kyle, and Mason due to close friends having these names for their sons. And what is worse, I work in a school and I don't want the same name as the students...even former students! I turn down a lot of names many people suggest to me because they're already used. I had to scratch Brandon because it was one of my former students' boyfriend's name and he's a the name just reminds me of him. Sigh.
So far, the name I am liking now, Trevor, isn't anywhere in my universe.
BFP#2 ~ 8/2/11, EDD 4/11/12, D&C 9/12/11 at 9w5d
BFP#3 ~ 4/15/12, EDD 12/21/12 ~ DD born 12/22/12
I realize your initial question is related to boys names that are also assigned to girls...but I just wanted to post something!
There's a girl named Cameron in my school...and it did shy me away from the name because it was given to a girl AND it was a name already in the school.
BFP#2 ~ 8/2/11, EDD 4/11/12, D&C 9/12/11 at 9w5d
BFP#3 ~ 4/15/12, EDD 12/21/12 ~ DD born 12/22/12
Nah, this doesn't really bother me. Names take a while to become culturally unisex and even longer to completely switch genders, so I don't think anyone is going to automatically think, for eg, Dylan = girl at this point. One of the names we like for boys is Casey, and that's definitely unisex, but who cares... anyone who meets him will know he's a boy, KWIM?
We struggle with boys' names because we don't want anything too popular or overused, but I think it's a little harder to give a boy an unusual name because for some reason boys are teased more than girls for having different names. With girls it's "how unusual, so pretty," but with boys it's "what a weird name." I don't know why that is.
Yeah, I know. The Dylan example- of course people will assume boy before girl but if you have a friend or acquaintance that used it for a girl it stands out SO much that it would be weird right now to use it. Ya know?
Baking Blog
Proud mama to a boys- 6/17/09 - a girl 2/23/11- and a boy 8/20/12
this is an interesting post for me, because when i found out i was pregnant, it took me no time to pick out a boy's name, and i STILL cannot settle on my girl's name! and of course, she's a girl.
i don't generally think so much on the "unisex" name thing, but maybe that's because i AM having a girl, and as pp said, it would be worse for a little boy to have the same name as a girl in his class than vice versa.
but did older parents have this struggle decades ago, with, say, joe and jo? or robin, etc.? i wonder...