He's so funny. ?I met him at the park after work & we all went home together. ?Sam made friends, Bryan made friends, DH made friends. ?I get there & everyone scatters. ?Great.
They think we're not worthy now, though, because we had the gall to allow the grandparents to buy Sam a barbie doll. ?"they all know by now that's a dealbreaker for my house". ?While we don't LIKE barbie dolls, it's not exactly worthy of never speaking to our parents again. ?Good lord.
Re: DH made mom friends at hte park today
there were a couple of sahd or part time sahd that would frequent parks we went to in IL. they kept to themselves a lot.. but one chatted it up with us a lot. I think it's fun to see the dads out. I wish dh took my kids to the park more.. he's too freaked out about taking them both out by himself.
and not worthy? the other moms think that b/c of a barbie? huh? let me guess, they didn't buy a baby doll for their boys either? blah, who cares. kids pretend play. let 'em play with whatever safe toy they want to play with. if my dd wants to play with a gi joe, I'd let her.. and ds likes to push baby in the stroller. who cares?
It was sparked b/c somone had left a couple barbies at the park, this lady's DD was playing with them. ?She felt the need to get into detail about how she felt, I guess. ?This was barbie-type doll specific - bad for a girl's self-image, trying to look like fake barbie, etc. ?They'd probably be cool with normal dolls. ?
So yeah, DH made friends, and lost 'em in 45minutes flat lol ?He's off every Friday - he takes them out all the time. ?Granted things look like a hurricane hit at the end of the day, but, eh, all is good.
dood. your husband is sweet!
and I hear ya about the barbie business...I was not going to push her into them, but when my husband's ma showed up with one, I had no issues with it- I feel like it would get me kicked out of the good moms club, though!!
I had TONS of barbies- and a perfectly good self image: I am a fatass- and not just by barbie's standards!