Bennett has been going to PT for the past month (outside of our home)-- he's been 3 times and it has been RXed due to gross motor delay (low muscle tone). He has screamed through the entire session all three times -- today it was so bad that the PT stopped after 20 minutes. I don't think it is a pain thing -- it is really just play. He is in an extreme separation anxiety / stranger danger phase, so I'm assuming that may have a bit to do with it. We're moving our sessions starting next time to earlier in the day, but I'm a little concerned because I hate to be wasting $$ and everyone's time (and I don't mean that to sound bad -- I just really want this to be effective for him!). So a couple questions:
1. If your DC was in PT did you spend the time with them while the PT was working or did you leave the room? Either I or our nanny has stayed with him so that we could see what she works on with him so we can mirror it at home, but I'm wondering if he would calm down a bit faster if we weren't there.
2. Did your DC react the same way (i.e. cry through the entire thing), but eventually get used to it?
3. Any other advice?
Thanks so much!
Re: PT Questions
Our situation is a little different because our PT has always come to our house. I would suggest staying both for your DC's comfort, but also to see what they do. 1 hour of PT per week is really not that much when you consider how many hours you could be supporting DC's development. We spend a lot of our PT time talking with out PT about how we can work with her at home while she's showing us exercises.
Hope this helps some!
Ours is also in our home. Fortunately Robbie only gets stranger anxiety every great once in a while and so far it hasn't been any of our therapists. (So far he just hates his pedi and a friend of mine.)
That being said, I do stay in the room. Our OT usually just does her thing and I watch, but the PT sometimes has me actively participate, showing me different moves and such.
But I think it's probably at least worth trying not being in the room. Maybe if your LO would calm down first, you could then come back in the room to watch?
My Blog
Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07
Our PT and OT always came to our house. Ds never had any problems playing with them.?
I am sorry you are going through this. Is there a way to get the PT to come to your house so your ds is more comfortable? ?