
3 yr old DD haircut?

DH and I decided today to get 3 yr old DD's haircut. Currently it is blonde, wavy/curly, and about to the middle of her back. I love her curls, but now that the weather is getting hot she is miserable. She doesn't like ponytails, says they give her a headache and I can hardly ever get her to sit still long enough for a braid, that comes out quickly anyway. I am torn :( I know that my hair grew very fast when I was young and it was long and miserable too! I ask her what she thinks and she is all for getting it cut. I was thinking maybe cutting it to just above her shoulders, for the summer. Do any of you have DD who have short haircuts? Any pics or advice?Thanks,Jenny

Re: 3 yr old DD haircut?

  • No pics, but DD has had a cute little chin-length bob with bangs forever (she has been getting her hair cut since she was about 6 months old).  Her hair is stick straight though, but curls under at the ends.

    She could NOT have long hair right now because she mostly hates ponytails and runs away or cries the minute I hit a snag in her SHORT hair while brushing it.

    On the rare occasion she's in the mood for them, I can put pigtails in with part of the back of her hair out.  I can also do one half-pony to keep her hair out of her face.  So even though it is short, I can still do stuff with it...but don't HAVE to.  That's the beauty of that cut.

    She's never had curls so I can't empathize with you on making the decision to cut those...

    Good luck!  I think short haircuts are cute!

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