Alabama Babies

How do I make a flyer?

I spent an hour and a half last night on the computer making the flyer for our house.  I found this awesome "free" software and it looked so professional and nice.  But, when I printed it (at midnight), it had a watermark on it with the name of that software and said that in order to print it without, I have to buy the software which was $200.  UGH!!!  I was so pissed!  So, my question is, how else can I make one that will look nicer than just typing out info and copying a pic to the top of it?  I am not the most advanced person when it comes to technology, obviously! 

Re: How do I make a flyer?

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    uagirluagirl member

    You can download this free template from Microsoft:

     If you have Photoshop, you can do one there as well. 

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    My suggestion would be photoshop, but that is because I always get Cory to do that kind of stuff for me and he always uses photoshop. 

    If you want some help - email me and I can get Cory to help you. Big Smile

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    I second using and searching templates! They have tons of free stuff on there if you search.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    My dad's a realtor, and I use InDesign to make all his. Let me know if you need help!
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    You could also maybe try power point. I think it has a few templates in it

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    OMG!  I wish I would have asked you smart ladies this question before I went through all that crap last night.  Such a waste of time!  Well, since posting this question earlier, my sister offered to make one for us (she's a mortgage lender and already had a template).  I think it looks pretty good so we're gonna use it.  I really appreciate all of your suggestions and offers to help though.  Thank you!!!
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