I'm realizing that having two kids means that in order for me to be (and stay) happy, I will need to let some things go, or give them up for a while anyway.
I was wondering for those with 2 or more kids, if you have at all?
I voted for Working out. When it was just one, I woke up early every weekday morning and worked out for an hour. I haven't been able to do that at all since #2 came along. I've tried to do it at night, but it's really, really hard and it stresses me out b/c that means other things don't get done that night.
Coming in at second place, is a clean house. I ashamed to admit that my house is not at all up to my standards of clean. DH and I are considering having someone come once a month b/c I can't keep up.
That's a hard one! My a.m. routine has definetly changed but I was never a big make up person and I try to wash/blow dry/flat iron my hair every other day or it's a ponytail/bun for me!
Talking on the phone is super tough because I swear my kids can sense when I try to talk and starting freaking out. I try to talk during naptime and more often just email!
I make working out a huge priority. It will probably be tougher during the summer since my older DD won't be in school anymore but it's definetly #1 as far as "me time" activites!
Guess there's no simple answer! Just figure out what's absolutely most important and make that the priority of the day and whatever else you get to is a bonus!!
I've realized that I need to do more for myself. I am Mommy 24/7 and have completely lost my own identity. I've thought of working out, but who wants to do that at 10 at night? I tried going back to school, but DH's job is more important for us and one day of studying was not cutting it. I started wearing make-up today and it's making me feel really good.
My house doesn't get cleaned (it's always picked up) until I get really fed up with how it looks. You'd think that maintaining it in some sort of weekly schedule would make sense, but no.
My hair always suffers because I am a total ponytail girl. Plus, DS likes to get up for the day at 5:30am, and I REFUSE to get up at 5 just to make time to blowdry.
What is working out? Yeah, I HATE working out, so it is not something that I usually make time for. Luckily (I know this sounds awful), I have some great genetics. I should make time for it though.
hmmmm from the pics I've seen, you are freaking gorgeous, so I think you could shave your head and wear no make up and be just fine :-) BUT I know I feel much better after a hair cut and with nice make up on, so I'd keep those. ?I couldn't "give up" laundry because I never seem to finish it. ?If you can get any sleep, I'd say keep it! Working out will keep you feeling good, so I'd stay with that if you can.
I'm leaning toward clean house. ?When our house was on the market, I felt like the worst mom. ?I was working, taking care of both kids, and DH was gone. ?It always had to be show ready, because I couldn't run home to fix it up. ?I was so happy when we got and accepted an offer. ?We left the house without making our bed and my dirty coffee cup in the sink and I thought I was going to cry. ?It felt soo good not to be stressed about how my house looked with everything else going on. ?
BOF posted little check lists that I love and keep my house somewhat under control and keep me feeling like a better mom :-) ?
As of now, my girls don't nap at the same time, so working out during the day is a no go. I could get up before they do, but DD2 has been up at all hours lately, so the last thing I want to do at 6am is work out.
DD2 is also a TERRIBLE day napper. I mean, I'm lucky if I can get 20 minutes of nap time out of her.
I usually get up, fix DD1 and me some breakfast, then come back upstairs to collect DD2. Then I feed her, and try to get ready with both of them in my bathroom. If I'm lucky, I can have DD1 down for her nap around 11:30. That's when I try to clean up a bit, while holding/wearing DD2 because if she screams, then it wakes up DD1. After DD1 is up, I try to make a grocery store run, or whatever else we do. Then it's home to fix dinner. I usually shower after DD1 has gone to bed so DH only has to deal with one kid at a time.
I'm just not sure how to juggle it all anymore. I find that as each day passes, things are getting harder for me-not easier. I'm becoming more and more agitated over little things that shouldn't bother me. That's why I'm wondering about what I should give up. I'm trying to do it all, but the kids aren't really "allowing" it.
Hair--You can cut it down to a minimum maybe. You have pretty thick hair correct? What about washing at night & doing something easy in the morning?MakeupThis only takes 5 minutes if you do a light routineClean HouseI started doing the FlyLady routine in spurts. ?A little a day when the kids are napping or down for the night would work I bet.?Phone CallsI would pick this one, but what about using a bluetooth so your hands are free?LaundryJust do a load every other day or have one set day for it.Working OutMost important next to sleep! Do not give this up. You will feel so much better for it.SleepImportant
It's taken a lot of work, but I've mastered getting them down for a nap at the same time. I get up when DH leaves for work. Drink my coffee and get ready. I get DD (oldest) up and have her breakfast ready or get DS up and have them both eat at the same time.
I like to be out the door no later than 930am. I wear them both out and then get back by 1230. Make DD's lunch and feed DS. Lay DS down and DD goes down soon after. That gives me 2-3 hours with no children.
Have you tried laying your oldest down later? You definately need more you time. Poor thing!
But-- here's a cheat secret: ?Clean on Sundays, and make that be H's day with the kids while you clean. ?Then, do one thing everyday after they go to sleep for like 10 minutes. ?I do bathrooms (quick wipe down) on MOndays and Wednesdays, dusting on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and I ask H to vacuum the stairs twice a week. ?he also vacuums the laundry room every night before bed. ??
Re: So, what do I give up?
I'm still sittin all snug with my one kid but I had to come in and say...LOOK AT THOSE BABIES OF YOURS!
They are so awesomely beautiful!
I voted for Working out. When it was just one, I woke up early every weekday morning and worked out for an hour. I haven't been able to do that at all since #2 came along. I've tried to do it at night, but it's really, really hard and it stresses me out b/c that means other things don't get done that night.
Coming in at second place, is a clean house. I ashamed to admit that my house is not at all up to my standards of clean. DH and I are considering having someone come once a month b/c I can't keep up.
That's a hard one! My a.m. routine has definetly changed but I was never a big make up person and I try to wash/blow dry/flat iron my hair every other day or it's a ponytail/bun for me!
Talking on the phone is super tough because I swear my kids can sense when I try to talk and starting freaking out. I try to talk during naptime and more often just email!
I make working out a huge priority. It will probably be tougher during the summer since my older DD won't be in school anymore but it's definetly #1 as far as "me time" activites!
Guess there's no simple answer! Just figure out what's absolutely most important and make that the priority of the day and whatever else you get to is a bonus!!
I chose hair, only because mine is super short.
I've realized that I need to do more for myself. I am Mommy 24/7 and have completely lost my own identity. I've thought of working out, but who wants to do that at 10 at night? I tried going back to school, but DH's job is more important for us and one day of studying was not cutting it. I started wearing make-up today and it's making me feel really good.
How often are you doing laundry or cleaning?
Can't I pick more than one?!
My house doesn't get cleaned (it's always picked up) until I get really fed up with how it looks. You'd think that maintaining it in some sort of weekly schedule would make sense, but no.
My hair always suffers because I am a total ponytail girl. Plus, DS likes to get up for the day at 5:30am, and I REFUSE to get up at 5 just to make time to blowdry.
What is working out? Yeah, I HATE working out, so it is not something that I usually make time for. Luckily (I know this sounds awful), I have some great genetics. I should make time for it though.
So, 3 things suffer in my house, at minimum!
hmmmm from the pics I've seen, you are freaking gorgeous, so I think you could shave your head and wear no make up and be just fine :-) BUT I know I feel much better after a hair cut and with nice make up on, so I'd keep those. ?I couldn't "give up" laundry because I never seem to finish it. ?If you can get any sleep, I'd say keep it! Working out will keep you feeling good, so I'd stay with that if you can.
I'm leaning toward clean house. ?When our house was on the market, I felt like the worst mom. ?I was working, taking care of both kids, and DH was gone. ?It always had to be show ready, because I couldn't run home to fix it up. ?I was so happy when we got and accepted an offer. ?We left the house without making our bed and my dirty coffee cup in the sink and I thought I was going to cry. ?It felt soo good not to be stressed about how my house looked with everything else going on. ?
BOF posted little check lists that I love and keep my house somewhat under control and keep me feeling like a better mom :-) ?
As of now, my girls don't nap at the same time, so working out during the day is a no go. I could get up before they do, but DD2 has been up at all hours lately, so the last thing I want to do at 6am is work out.
DD2 is also a TERRIBLE day napper. I mean, I'm lucky if I can get 20 minutes of nap time out of her.
I usually get up, fix DD1 and me some breakfast, then come back upstairs to collect DD2. Then I feed her, and try to get ready with both of them in my bathroom. If I'm lucky, I can have DD1 down for her nap around 11:30. That's when I try to clean up a bit, while holding/wearing DD2 because if she screams, then it wakes up DD1. After DD1 is up, I try to make a grocery store run, or whatever else we do. Then it's home to fix dinner. I usually shower after DD1 has gone to bed so DH only has to deal with one kid at a time.
I'm just not sure how to juggle it all anymore. I find that as each day passes, things are getting harder for me-not easier. I'm becoming more and more agitated over little things that shouldn't bother me. That's why I'm wondering about what I should give up. I'm trying to do it all, but the kids aren't really "allowing" it.
Hair--You can cut it down to a minimum maybe. You have pretty thick hair correct? What about washing at night & doing something easy in the morning?MakeupThis only takes 5 minutes if you do a light routineClean HouseI started doing the FlyLady routine in spurts. ?A little a day when the kids are napping or down for the night would work I bet.?Phone CallsI would pick this one, but what about using a bluetooth so your hands are free?LaundryJust do a load every other day or have one set day for it.Working OutMost important next to sleep! Do not give this up. You will feel so much better for it.SleepImportant
It's taken a lot of work, but I've mastered getting them down for a nap at the same time. I get up when DH leaves for work. Drink my coffee and get ready. I get DD (oldest) up and have her breakfast ready or get DS up and have them both eat at the same time.
I like to be out the door no later than 930am. I wear them both out and then get back by 1230. Make DD's lunch and feed DS. Lay DS down and DD goes down soon after. That gives me 2-3 hours with no children.
Have you tried laying your oldest down later? You definately need more you time. Poor thing!
But-- here's a cheat secret: ?Clean on Sundays, and make that be H's day with the kids while you clean. ?Then, do one thing everyday after they go to sleep for like 10 minutes. ?I do bathrooms (quick wipe down) on MOndays and Wednesdays, dusting on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and I ask H to vacuum the stairs twice a week. ?he also vacuums the laundry room every night before bed. ??